It is with deep regret that I announce my resignation as moderator here at betaone in hopes that the great folks here will keep me on as a member Still. I am going through some changes in my life that will require my full attention and I will not be able to fulfill my obligations as moderator at this time. I want to thank orig and all the others for this and other trusted positions Ive had ever since the early betanet. I will be visiting as often as I can and hope ,in a couple months, to have my health and life in better order. I repeat . This has nothing to do with any disputes or anything at betaone. I just need to get some things straight in my life so I can continue to help and participate on this great site. Thanks always.
James55(aka killzone)
Its really sad to hear this
On the other hand, U are the only one who knows what is best
Hope to see U around BetaOne again.....soon
Take care n always believe in what U do
I know it's difficult sometimes finding the right balance between the computer and yer personal/family life. Good luck James55, my thiughts are with you. Thanks fer all your help. See ya around.