Microsoft has announced that it will be mandating a Windows validation procedure, limiting the availability of software and OS updates to legitimate product keys.
Last fall Microsoft started to voluntarily validate copies of its Windows operating system, through a program dubbed the "Windows Genuine Advantage". Currently visitors to a Microsoft download site are given the option to validate their copy of Windows using an ActiveX control. Now users in the Czech Republic, China, and Norway have till February 7th, before Microsoft mandates the WGA program. The rest of the world will have to deal with WGA validation sometime near the middle of this year.
"We think that the best foundation for the most secure system is genuine software," said David Lazar, director of the Genuine Windows program at Microsoft. "We want to urge all of our customers to use genuine software. At the same time, we want to make sure that we don't do anything to reduce the likelihood that a user will keep their system up to date."
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