It seems to me quite a few folks are trying to run an FTP Server and not having very much success. There is lots of "Demand" for file transfers but few sites that "Work" properly. The net result is lots of Wasted Bandwidth and Broken Downloads. I have run various Mainframes and Servers for over 30 years, and have learned a few things (still don't know everything though). So to learn some more I have built and configured a Broadband Server to test out some ideas.
The Server details are: Maximum Upload to server 1400 Kbits/sec.
Maximum Download from server 500 Kbits/sec.
Maximum Number of connections 4
On a Dynamic IP, so it changes from time to time
Runs 24/7/52 except for Maintenance times (few)
Server is behind a Hardware Firewall (D-Link/Linksys type)
The Firewall means that things like FlashGet/CuteFTP etc. will NOT work. They are not "smart" enough to work through the Firewall that's there. Talk to the server using IEx.x, it works great. I tested several versions, though I mostly use IE6 in WinXP now. SmartFTP, LeechFTP work and FlashFXP works too, read the posts for the correct configuration.
Server Access is controlled by an IP # Table. The table will only EVER have a few selected entries, there simply is not enough capacity to "Serve the World". Basically the Server "Bans" everybody, and allows a few IP#'s to enter.
I am looking for a few (4-6 or so) folks to test out Uploading and Downloading from the Site. There is over 15 GB of stuff there now as a start. Add more if you want to. Mostly I am looking for CD sized stuff that will give it the "Acid Test". The "Net" seems to have no problems now with lots of little thingys. The Emphasis is on NOT wasting Bandwidth/Time and Satisfactory Results.
To Connect to the Server start with the URL
where you can find the current IP# of the Site.
Use the IP# there and Port 2020 in your FTP Client program (FlashFXP), anonymous access (no user/password needed), to connect.
Interested? PM your IP # here and I will add (A FEW) to the Access Table. No "Secret" passwords required.