Originally Posted by Dave
I seen them before but I have no idea what they are called, it sits between the reciever and speaker connections and had slide controls for each set of speakers. It's also for a business with a lot of people and background noise so sound quality isn't a big issue (I don't want to spend a lot LOL)
Sounds like what you're looking for are called "Rheostats". These are like 100 watt variable resitiors ( like light dimmers) you can place between a 100 watt power amp and mulitiple speaker systems. There used to be several companies who made quality "Black Boxes" that could do this. You might call your local High End Stereo shop for more info as I'm sure someone still makes these things.
There are cheaper ways to do this in a 'lo-fi' business environment involving 120 volt lines to "PA" speakers. Hope this helps.