It may be cheap.. But if it works, don't break it.
***.***.***.123 TCP 21
You need to link up your computers IP address to the router in such a way that it KNOWS that ANYONE going will be YOUR computer. Thus you can have multiple computers on the network serving multiple functions.
One server for Web. ***.***.***.123 TCP 80
one server for FTP. ***.***.***.124 TCP 21
One server for gopher. ***.***.***.125 TCP ?
one server for IRC ***.***.***.126 TCP 6667
one server for Apple Share IP ***.***.***.127 TCP ?
.. ok I'll stop there.. Am I getting accross?
I hope.. but if I'm not don't hesitate to make that known.
Again Welcome to BetaONE, hopefully you will stay and become an active, or live here like some members and administrators..hahah, community member.