Q: are the on demand services available in canada?
A: Some functionality is available at this time. More information will be posted on microsoft about this issue.
Q: Is there a 1 pack for mce 2005?
A: OEM 3 Pack would be the smallest package available.
Q: Are media center extenders simply devices connecting to an MCE computer via Remote Desktop?
A: More or less yes - an extender uses RDP to display an extension of the MCE UI from the MCE PC. For more information on the Media Center Extender please visit
Q: Thoose 13 countries that is supported by mce 2005 do i find the list of them somewhere?
A: US, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Italy, Netherlands, China, Switzerland, Austria, Australia, UK, Canada
Q: Is the digital media feature pack available on the installation CDROMS?
A: No it is a seperate disk that comes with the 3pack.
Q: Where & when will this Q&A and the video from this event be available?
A: Yes. Check back at oem.microsoft.com/mcewebcast in ~24 hours.
Q: Will the XBox extender be available via Retail?
A: Yes.
Q: Does MCE2005 support mutible tuner cards?
A: Yes, but they need to be connected to the same type of source
Q: Will MCE Work with SKY Digital Will it also download the listings like tivo and will it alow me to watch 2 programs at the same time
A: Yes, we work with Sky through the STB configuration. We also have an EPG available and allow recording of two TV shows at the same time if you have the proper hardware.
Q: why are there retail and oem media for mce 2005?
A: Windows MCE 2005 is only available via OEM and System Builder Channels; not through retail.
Q: can ifo and vob videos that are part of a video_ts directory be played back from an extender?
A: No
Q: Will an extender be able to connect to more than one MCE PC if the end user has more that one in their house?
A: No - a Media Center Extender will be associated with a single Media Center PC that is determined during the setup of the Media Center Extender.
Q: is there an sdk for 3rd party developers
A: Yes
Q: Will MCE work with SKY and alow dual recording?
A: Yes - but you will need two set-top boxes from Sky to work properly
Q: is this going to be made avalibale to regualr xp users
A: MCE is a OEM/System Builder product for preinstallation on new machines. It will not be available as a retail software product.
Q: Why can't I see submitted questions?
A: Answered questions are posted and those that will not get answered today will be posted after 48 hours. Inappropriate questions will not be posted.