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Old 26th Sep 05, 04:29 PM
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If you are not a religious person you can stop reading now. If you are, please continue as I have more then just my personal opinion to back up my position.

It pains me to have to remind so many people, who claim to be Christians, the core tenants of their own faith.

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour's.'

There are many other important verses, as I am sure you all know that deal with this topic.

Romans 13:
9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

James 2:
11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. 12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. 13 For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. 14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

Mark 10 (paraphrased later in Luke 18:20):
19 (Jesus said) Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven

__________________________________________________ ___

... I could go on all night finding Biblical quotes to support my position, but I honestly doubt that many of you have made it this far anyway. Once again, I am only writing this and bringing it to your attention because I feel that this war is a terrible tragedy and I for one do not wish to go on unwittingly sponsoring such hateful and murderous actions through my tax dollars (Local Costs of the Iraq War).
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Old 27th Sep 05, 01:13 AM
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Let me think. You're away from home and family and some terrorist fk tries to blow your a*s away because you're trying to free his country so you blow his a*s away first and some guy says I'll give you some free wanking aids if you send me the pictures?

I fail to see the prob!

Seems to me the sick f*ks are the ones who want to LOOK at these pics. I don't and didn't. But I bet YOU did!

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Old 27th Sep 05, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by tubebuoy
Let me think. ---> now that's a stretch for a hick like yourself.

I fail to see the prob! --->you wouldn't

Seems to me the sick f*ks are the ones who want to LOOK at these pics. I don't and didn't. But I bet YOU did! ---> no, I read the story... but I bet you didn't.

Typical republican... speaking before you think.
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Old 27th Sep 05, 04:50 AM
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"Let me think. ---> now that's a stretch for a hick like yourself."

Again with the personal insults?

Why can't you debate someone without acting like a two year old?

Why is your heart so BLACK? Why are you so full of hate (typical Democrat)?

I beat you in the Kanye West debate and I'll beat you here! ("you can not grasp the essence untill you grap the pressence young grasshoper")*

*Kung Fu episode 21, 1975.

"He is a man of peace in a violent land. He is Kwai Chang Caine, schooled in the spirit-mind-body ways of the Shaolin priesthood by the blind, avuncular Master Po and the stern yet loving Master Kan. Caine speaks softly but hits hard. He lives humbly yet knows great contentment. He is the Old West's most unusual hero. But hero is not a word Caine would use. He would simply say, "I am a man."

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Old 27th Sep 05, 04:58 AM
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I have served my country and I am a christian and I have to side with Tubey on this one, The sick ones are the ones that want to look at that stuff, I just pray that they knew who God was before they died so they wont have to burn in hell for not knowing, you say you should not murder. However the bible also says that there will always be War and Rumors of war until the end of the day. Also it says that the Law is for the Lawless man, and future more "Go to all corners of the globe and make deciples of all men...." can't remember the exact verse but you get the point. And my point is this, NO ONE is perfect, he died 2005 years ago on a Cross. If you think your perfect then you need to talk one on one with the Great one! Also just remember men and women that defend this nation like myself and others take great offence when others put us down in the media and on websites and on cnn and the like, we defend this nation for a reason, if you dont like it or feel we do something "in humane" then take it up with a country that cares or join the military and do something about it (call your congress man)
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Old 27th Sep 05, 06:13 AM
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Well I've seen a lot worse.

And besides there is no prof at all that any of that is real. Photo shop comes to mind. Besides anyone can email someone crap like that and say whatever they wish about it.

Go take a look at .

And yeah I looked at the pics. But I'm not sick ok. Or maybe I am.
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Old 27th Sep 05, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by PCTech
I have served my country and I am a christian and I have to side with Tubey on this one, The sick ones are the ones that want to look at that stuff, I just pray that they knew who God was before they died so they wont have to burn in hell for not knowing, you say you should not murder. However the bible also says that there will always be War and Rumors of war until the end of the day. Also it says that the Law is for the Lawless man, and future more "Go to all corners of the globe and make deciples of all men...." can't remember the exact verse but you get the point. And my point is this, NO ONE is perfect, he died 2005 years ago on a Cross. If you think your perfect then you need to talk one on one with the Great one! Also just remember men and women that defend this nation like myself and others take great offence when others put us down in the media and on websites and on cnn and the like, we defend this nation for a reason, if you dont like it or feel we do something "in humane" then take it up with a country that cares or join the military and do something about it (call your congress man)
Did you not read my post? I served in the military as well, yet I can see the hatred and crime in what is happening. Especially when it comes to sick things like this that completely blow out of the water any augment thus far. You think that the pictures taken at Abu Graib were bad, these make the torture pictures look like they were taken at Disney Land. I honestly don't care if you take offence to me calling these people murderers, because that is simply what they are, and all I am doing is stating the facts. If you can't take the facts then you live in a fantasy land of your own terrible design. Of course the Bible says that there will be wars till the next coming, but does Jesus Christ, your "perfect" one condone those wars? Would Jesus Christ pull the trigger, then take pictures and trade them online for porn? I seriously doubt that he would. You say that He said "Go to all corners of the globe and make disciples of all men....", it wasn't "Go to all corners of the globe and kill as many heretics as you can."

Think compassionately, then ask yourself... how would Jesus Christ react?
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Old 27th Sep 05, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by tubebuoy
"Let me think. ---> now that's a stretch for a hick like yourself."

Again with the personal insults?

Why can't you debate someone without acting like a two year old?

Why is your heart so BLACK? Why are you so full of hate (typical Democrat)?

I beat you in the Kanye West debate and I'll beat you here! ("you can not grasp the essence untill you grap the pressence young grasshoper")*

*Kung Fu episode 21, 1975.

"He is a man of peace in a violent land. He is Kwai Chang Caine, schooled in the spirit-mind-body ways of the Shaolin priesthood by the blind, avuncular Master Po and the stern yet loving Master Kan. Caine speaks softly but hits hard. He lives humbly yet knows great contentment. He is the Old West's most unusual hero. But hero is not a word Caine would use. He would simply say, "I am a man."

I think you should re-read that debate you pointed out concerning Kanye West. You beat me? I don't think so... that was weeks ago and I was still the last to make a decent point or post. I so completely logically kicked your butt all over that topic that nobody else could even find the guts to disagree with me anymore.

Like I said... typical republican response, you speak before you think.

Originally Posted by tubebuoy
Seems to me the sick f*ks are the ones who want to LOOK at these pics. I don't and didn't. But I bet YOU did!
Originally Posted by tubebuoy
Again with the personal insults?

Why can't you debate someone without acting like a two year old?

Why is your heart so BLACK? Why are you so full of hate (typical Democrat)?
See, you even go so far as to completely contradict yourself. Were you not just hatefully calling me a "sick f*ck". Besides, I am speaking out against hate. You are trying to defend these hateful acts are you not?

Originally Posted by DopeWeasel
Think compassionately, then ask yourself... how would Jesus Christ react?
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Old 28th Sep 05, 01:11 AM
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Just because we gave you the last word about Kanye West doesn't mean you won. The real point was you don't alienate doners at a fund raiser.

"You think that the pictures taken at Abu Graib were bad, these make the torture pictures look like they were taken at Disney Land. I honestly don't care if you take offence to me calling these people murderers, because that is simply what they are, and all I am doing is stating the facts."

Your OPINION is NOT fact!

Deal with it!

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Old 28th Sep 05, 02:26 AM
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Ok then tubechild, when is a killing not a murder? Why don't you enlighten me... and while you're at it, enlighten the word of God and #6 of the 10 Commandments if you yourself are so righteous.

P.S. the words Killing and Murder are synonymous. Just to stop you before you say something else that sounds retarded.

Oh, and the topic of that Kanye post was "How Ignorant is Kanye West" and the alienation point didn't come up till well into everyone spouting ignorant comments in his direction. I never once tried to defend the time and place that he made those comments and as well admitted that it may not have been the best forum for him to address the obvious issue of racism in America. But is Kanye West Ignorant as the topic suggested? I say no, and listed many reasons and facts to support my position of which nobody has yet to rebut. Why must I correct you on every single point? Why should I even bother, you are obviously an ignorant person yourself and I am starting to feel like my time is just wasted on you. I would like to think that everyone is smart enough to understand simple concepts like "what is murder" and "having compassion for your fellow man." Next time before you post, make sure that you read fully everything that has been said and understand the topics that have been laid forth.

BTW, you're still picking out bits and pieces while leaving out the main issues... can we get back on point anytime soon?

Last edited by DopeWeasel : 28th Sep 05 at 02:55 AM.
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