This is a support thread for those that might need some help/information with Insight cables broadband service when hooking up a wire/wireless router. This information might work for your cable broadband connection if your ISP does the same thing.
I hooked up a wireless router for a friend and was unable to get the connection to work off the Motorola SB modem using the ethernet connection. When the ISP (Insight) hooked up the modem they hooked it up using the USB connection and disabled the ethernet port. After I made Insight come out and enable the ethernet port off the modem I was able to use that port, but I couldn't get it to work with the router connected. Seems the ISP had the connection set to only work with the computer connected. The only way I was able to get it to work correctly was going in to the router (Linksys (NetGear (Motorola Modem and enable it to clone the MAC address of the computer so the modem would think it was talking to the computer rather than the router.