Got a browser? Then you've got a problem...
For every browser, a security bug.
That seemed to be Wednesday's lesson from security information provider Secunia for the developers of the major internet browsers. The company released information on two common security issues with the tabbed browsing feature found in several flavours of the Mozilla Foundation's browsers, the Opera browser, the Konqueror browser for Linux and two third-party plug-ins that add the feature to Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
One flaw would let a malicious website that's open in one tabbed window have access to the information typed into another tabbed window. The other flaw lets a malicious website open a dialog box that seems to originate from a site displayed in a different browser tab.
Thomas Kristensen, chief technology officer for Secunia, said: "I think the issue is that they didn't consider the consequences of having all the browser tabs in one application window. That is what fooled them."
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