Steven Bink, of, has noted that SP2 features more than just security updates to Office. Indeed, for Outlook at least, a bundle of new features can be found.
Outlook now boasts improved anti-phishing software, which can be seen in the screenshots below. Faced with an increasingly dangerous 'email landscape', Microsoft have improved the way in which Outlook deals with dubious messages, and attempts to better inform the user. In emails where Outlook suspects something might be a bit fishy (no pun intended), it disables links in the message.
SP2, released earlier this week with relatively little fanfare, is probably the last update for Office until version twelve, expected in 2006. The next generation of Office was given a lot of attention at the recent PDC conference, and features major UI and functionality improvements.
Microsoft has not released a list detailing specific updates and changes with SP2, so, if you do find something new in any of the Office 2003 programs, leave a comment below.
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