Im hoping someone might be able to shed some light on a problem which has tended to have raised its head in the last week or two.
The connection has been runnin gok for the past few years without any problems and i haven't installed any software that would have caused it to drop out.
- The Windows 2000 Server has recently been updates with the latest services patched but ive got 3 other Windows 2000 Servers which have also been updated and NONE of them are causing concerns............
Im running SAMBA on a Solaris UNIX platform in order to create a shared drive on the UNIX box.
Whats ive been seeing recently is that after maybe 2-3 days is that im unable to copy files to/from the Windows 2000 Server from the SAMBA shared drive.
- It reports authentification problems......
1. Ive checked the SAMBA settings to see if they've "accidentally" added the IP of the Windows 2000 Server as being banned - and they're ok
2. Ive even changed the Windows 2000 Servers CACHE filesize and directory
3. Ive checked our friend "Google" and have been unsuccessful, perhaps im looking at the problem too specifically ?????
i think i figured this one out.............
i installed some hardware called "Mutiny" which scans the nework for all devices with an IP address and retrieves mor einfo on devices through SNMP
well.........the server has SNMP enabled ok but when i disconnected the Mutiny box fromt he network the server never lost its connection
Therefore my conclusion is it has some conflicts with "older" versions of SAMBA
Ive logged a call witht he vendor and am awaiting a response