Google accused of spying on Israel
Mossad agents have it in for Google HQ
THE ISRAELI government has accused the search engine Google of spying on military installations in the Promised Land.
It is not that Serge and Brin have been out there with their box brownies snapping the pictures of the nuclear weapons that the country doesn't have, it is more that Google Earth is now providing some jolly nice pictures of the country.
Originally sensitive to a nation which is more militarized than Ancient Sparta, Google had only previously shown low-resolutions snaps of Israel.
However, last week Google suddenly improved the service so that it matched the same standards that it has for the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, that means that you might see a French delivery of weapons-grade plutonium if there happened to be any being delivered, which there never is, of course.
One of the pictures is includes a top-secret power station located near the southern city of Ashkelon. It does not feature snaps of the Israeli nuclear facility in the Negev desert, which Google knew about.
A SpokesGoogle said it was Israeli Internet users who demanded improvements to the service. The usual method for the Israelis of dealing with people who potentially reveal its secrets is to set a honey trap with a shapely Mossad agent, kidnap the spy, and force them to stand trial in Israel. We hope Serge and Brin are aware of that.
The INQuirer