Well tubeuoy, I guess you aren't talking to me.
Unfortunately, I'm a long way past being a kid and I despised that weasel Clinton from the first time I heard him open his mouth (but the current Liar-in-Chief is much worse in every way). As for hippies, I was always too much of a rationalist and too fond of personal hygeine to get down with them.
Viet Nam? I'm glad you learned that you were being lied to, even if it took years. Took me years, too, but I was younger then. Now you are being lied to again, so why wait years to find it out? Back then, I too bought the line about us "not prosecuting" that war, but judging from the tonnage of bombs we dropped and the number of people killed, I really don't think you can say there was any lack of zeal on our part.
Japan and Germany? That was half a century ago, and that operation was run by New Dealers, not a bunch of Reich-wing thugs. Kuwait is a Bush business partner and last I looked, still not a democracy. What do you say we talk about Afghanistan instead? Or Haiti, Columbia, Chile, Argentina. If you look past the rhetoric, democracy has seldom been our objective in recent years, not even in the US itself.
Truth is, I'm more worried about consequences on the home front and in international relations than I am about Iraq. Told you, I ain't no bleedin' heart. Whichever way this event turns out for Iraq (and I hope some good comes of it), I'm thinking it will be bad for the US, for many reasons.
Hmm so that would be akin to yin/yang diurnal nature.
Uh... I wasn't going to say anything, but I don't think "diurnal" is the word you're looking for.
Never mind, I know what you mean. As I said, it's a choice. After a long and bloody history, Europe finally seems to be learning that lesson. Why haven't we?
Flowers, Jack?
I'm not as spry as I used to be, but I'm not ready to check out just yet, thanks.