BetaONE will rise again!

Old 12th Jul 03, 05:25 PM
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Sad thing is this is really not a joke. It's a symptom of the troubled times we have gotten ourselves into for reasons easily understood, if we'd be honest with ourselves. We could learn from mistakes of the past, but we don't.
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Old 12th Jul 03, 05:58 PM
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Bob, you have been running your campaign now for a while- you have 9 signatures last time i checked, ever wondered why? The internet is a place of assumed anonymity- people don't have to be who they are in real life when in a forum or chat room- for all people know you could be Charles Manson. I presume you are canvassing your local neighborhood for signatures? If you are then imagine the response you would get if you showed up wearing a balaclava and asking for their signature- thats the response you will get on the internet. You need to put a face to your campaign.

On your website you state, bold as you like, that you still take drugs. You just lost a large selection of the voting public right there, most parents wouldn't put a pot smoker in the whitehouse or indeed in number 10 Downing street, the ruling place of my own country (which in the past has housed all sorts of deviants and miscreants).

You let us know you have a poor memory *ALARM BELLS* "I did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky", that this was caused by you aforementioned drug taking *OMG he used to be a junkie*, so in your opinion your country needs a pot smoking ex-junkie with a crappy memory in the white house.

Appearances matter, you just painted a breif outline of yourself for people to fill in- Pot smoking ex-junky who has a crappy memory but can ramble on about anything to any tom dick and harry about anything under the sun but what matters.

De-criminalise narcotics to save money so you can help narcotics vitims. you just increased your drugs problem a million times worse than it is today. That is unless you plan to limit the amount of narcotics the users can buy- in which case you get 1000's of injured shop workers who got beaten up for refusing a junkie another hit- That would also be unconstitutional as well wouldnt it, you would be denying them their right to polute their own bodys. I'm pro drugs by the way- some drugs are theraputic, i don't agree with mass legalisations of narcotics but i do think some drugs should be legalised- I can say this out loud, I am not running for presidancy nor Premiership.

National security and your troop dispositions. Don't you agree that the only way for their to be *World Peace* is to ensure that the unrest in the middle east, asia and the africa's end? How else is that peace going to be brought about peacefully if not for peace keeprs? You are one of the most powerfull nations on the planet- don't you think you should use some of that power to help guide and protect some of the rest of the world to become stable? If we, the English were to be attacked by China (Not going to happen but it's a good enough example) would you be reluctant to send us troops to aid us because it's not your war? I should hope you would but your policys don't seem to make that position clear.

What are you really in this for? A bet? The expected donations through PayPal? I just can't believe that you have thought this campaign through, or you are strongly deluded.

Never the less, i wish you all the best- No flame intended

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Old 12th Jul 03, 08:38 PM
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Hey Bob, is this a joke?
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Old 14th Jul 03, 01:48 PM
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billybob3 Posted on Jul 12 2003, 12:38 PM
billybob3 Posted on Jul 12 2003, 12:38 PM
  Hey Bob, is this a joke? 
@Billybob3 - That question has already been asked & answered. Once again, please read the threads before you post.

Edit - Warning level adjusted.
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Old 17th Jul 03, 06:41 AM
MinnesotaKid MinnesotaKid is offline
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Originally posted by Bob_for_President+Jul 12 2003, 08:34 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Bob_for_President @ Jul 12 2003, 08:34 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-MinnesotaKid@Jul 7 2003, 11:22 PM
Whoever said they should have put this in the joke section was right.
I'm sorry you think so but just because you don't agree with my politics doesn't make it a joke. [/b][/quote]
It's not so your politics, sir! It's the way you're going about this that I have no respect for. Hmm, let's see...think I'll run for President. Where should I spend part of my valuable 475 days before the Nov. 2, '04 election? Going to town hall meetings, appearing before the media, canvassing the neighborhoods? Nah, think I'll go shot the breeze with the peeps on BetaOne, many of whom don't even live in the USA. This board has at this time 2293 members. Maybe you should find a larger audience. Or do prefer the anonymity? How do we even know who you say you are? Are you an alien, Bob

You have absolutely no chance to win, but of course you know that, Bob. Harry Browne, the best Libertarian vote-getter in the 2000 election got 382,869, which in some ways is impressive. But it's still under 1% of the total vote. Is it the faulty platform, lack of organization, or something else, Bob? I'd like it to change for many reasons, but America is still mainly a 2-party country.

Let's cut to the chase. What's your real motivation? Self-promotion? Boredom? PayPal scam?

I agree with SOME of you ideas, but find it very telling that the first item on your platform is about ending the drug war. Most average citizens have much more bread and butter issues to deal with. Remember, "It's the economy, stupid!"

This whole thing sounds like something you thought up the last time you got high. Anybody with web access can publish a web page touting a run for President. To earn much respect and attention, it takes a little more than that.

Just a Libertarian brain-fried druggy who likes Doom. Period.
Ashamed I even wasted my time discussing this crap, but it's not every day I get to rip a politician and have them reply. Even a psuedo-politician like Bob

P.S. Your web site for your big run for the oval office is "doom wad station". wtf is that? The video game?! Domain names are cheap to get, Bob. Then get a professional web designer to give your page some legitimacy. Geez, this thread doesn't even merit being in this section. Guy has low self-esteem and needs the attention. My humble opinion, BOB! Prove me wrong in 2008 with a REAL campaign, dude! And still no picture. Guess you still haven't shaved yet, eh
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