Hey Guys I have been using Vonage nearing a Year, ( I was the First when they entered the retail store market; I got mine from Circuit city with 2 months free, no activation fee and a $50 MIR. My whole phone home network is on Vonage, all the Jacks in my house are vonage jacks. So all the rooms in my house with a Jack have phones that ring when a call comes in. I disconeccted my copper wires from the Local phone, and use the old jacks in the house from the phone company I.e there old phone network. I think that we have about 8-9 phones that ring when a call comes in. I have my phone adapter & Cable modem on a UPS for power outages. I have ditched going with a back up local telco line we have two cell phone lines instead ( and car adapters for cable & power outages)
I have gotton to talk with vonage Customer service several times. I am pleased. The MIR took a little time to get and I ran into a hitch but I got credits equal to the MIR as welll as the MIR finally.
There is also LINGO as a VOIP company. I am unfamilar with them.
In nine months of use, I have only had a few hiccups with the system, at first I had to reset the power on my phone adapter once a week ( although I have'nt had to do in quite some time)
With 2 price drops since going with vonage. It is a refreshing change.
The other thing I love is the incoming and out going phone log, (we have to track calls with our bussiness) Although sometimes I have had trouble logging on to the website.
The biggest difference I have seen, is that vonage has there act together they are the biggest and the Oldest.
AS for AT&T
I have Sworn off anything with the Intials AT&T & ME (enough is enough ) Bad wireless, bad cable, bad High speed, bad long distance, just plain BAD SERVICE, last spring 30 -45 minutes waits for wireless customer no-service rep.
The other decsion point is we do a lot of international calling, There plan to HK, UK, OZ, Phillippines, etc, is the cheapest among the VOIPs. .03 -.05 per minute. Lingo has Asia free call plan but is $80 and Cell calls are not includeded.
Comcast has been working on a VOIP system and has rolled it out in 4 markets. I know that when they bought out AT&T that they highly recommend cable or you got a $10 surcharge for high speed. ( BTW we spend $9.80 for the basic cable no biggie be cause we get clear stations we live in a valley, and about 20 other channels) We were at almost $115 for high speed & phone service before switching to vonage not including long distance and the junk charges that get wrapped into all those plans.
Now around $75 per month. Anyways I think that it only a matter of time before comcast does like the Telco with DSL you gotta have there phone service .