another note if it hasn't been mentioned, as i only skimmed the thread, your drive needs to be "checked for consistency". basically, that's a fancy way of windows telling you it wants to run scandisk and compare what's on the drive to the fat table.
dead links are the result of files that were reported to be a certain size to the FAT, but in reality are a different size on disk. this usually happens in non-NTFS drives when you shut down improperly when files are in use. This can also be a result of a read/write head crash to the platter.
best way to prevent link problems, in power options, tell it to either always keep your harddrive on, or set the power off time to something like 4 hours, so your drive stays on even when you're not using the disk or you're away. next, always ALWAYS shut down properly. third, if it wants to run scandisk, let it run scandisk. and four, never jostle your computer, kick it, smack it, etc. be gentle with the beast, and the beast should serve you well.