[quote:1660ede66a]Originally posted by UndaC:
about that fastest radeon, I know one guy who brought his core all the way to 270 and his memory to 230 WITHOUT addidional cooling [/quote:1660ede66a]
Are you serious UndaC? How long can that Radeon play games without crashing? It must have been very good to fry an egg
Sorry for DP but has anyone tested the Radeon on Q3 or UT under Linux and how well does it perform? I'll be impressed if it keeps a range of 50-90% of the original Windows performance. And Undac, I've noticed that you're looking for OS/2 Warp4/5 beta 1 drivers for the Radeon. Currently I don't know of any beta drivers for OS/2 that exist, and I've had no luck searching on Yahoo! and Google but I'll email ATI tonight and see what they can come up with.
[ August 09, 2001 11:24 PM: Last edited by SuperSonic2K3 ]