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Old 24th Mar 05, 12:50 AM
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thanks for your support guys
Old 24th Mar 05, 01:36 AM
PCTech PCTech is offline
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I just dont understand, its black and white, evox is a dash installed on an xbox, to install it you must have a modchip, and you must therefore get past the copyright protection schemes of the xbox (by passing security features and the intellectual property of microshaft). Installed with a modchip, illegal dash board, illegal chip (should be everywhere) as it does bypass built in protection schemes of the xbox. How much clearer does one have to get? Sorry If I came across a little strong (or a lot), but if you have to do it with one item to get another item to work when 1 or more of them is illegal, dont you think its a bad idea? just curious I mean wow, black and white never produced a gray line to me! I know once you own it its yours I agree perfectly as long as it DOESN'T interfer with someone or another companies right or in this case copyrights and intelectual property. I dont even see a practical use for a modchip other than to not have the DVD kit which I think sucks to buy just to watch movies. I cannot find a logical use for a modchip.

I support your right to own it and do as you wish with it, as long as you are legal and dont violate any copyright laws doing it.

Searching for the gray area,
Old 24th Mar 05, 01:43 AM
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Old 24th Mar 05, 04:09 AM
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ok i have 3 kids 2 7 yr olds and 1 9yr old and they love to play games. To bad the games do not always agree with them and get scratched making them unplayable. I just spent $50 bucks, now if i could install a mod chip and a larger HD and put the game on the HD so there is no need to insert a disk anymore, would'nt that be great ??

Thats why mod chips are good. I should'nt need to buy the game over and over and yes i can only watch my kids so much. They do get into the games when i am not around.

Thats a logical reason
Old 24th Mar 05, 04:11 AM
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thanks for your support man...
Old 24th Mar 05, 08:24 AM
Cyberion Cyberion is offline
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PCTecie - your right.. people shouldn't need to break copyright laws, its not game nor "mode of expression" but a way to see what the heck the programer do behind the scenes. That to me, encourages competition which furthers business and is recipent friendly.

Cactie - Ya.. speeding bbooooooo... hhehe...
If you were able to wipe the drive clean... ?? You need to flash the bios (the illegal part). Then installing the Dashboard, I've never heard of installing a peice of software to be illegal...

Is a tool used to port scan and find services on remote computers.. its not illegal.. but can be used for clandesdine purposes.

A tutorial about Xbox, Dashboard, etc.

Sir, your not asking for a copy of anything.. hehe.. you already done your HW!

I'd love to play around with an XBox like that.. I'd probably make it a small movie center or something of that nature.. maybe a linux box running... /read me ramble.. hehehe..

Hey.. its a cheap computer.. eh!

Last edited by Cyberion : 24th Mar 05 at 08:27 AM.
Old 24th Mar 05, 12:32 PM
Zone-MR Zone-MR is offline
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I mean wow, black and white never produced a gray line to me! I know once you own it its yours I agree perfectly as long as it DOESN'T interfer with someone or another companies right or in this case copyrights and intelectual property. I dont even see a practical use for a modchip other than to not have the DVD kit which I think sucks to buy just to watch movies. I cannot find a logical use for a modchip.
Poolman and Cyberion have already given some very valid uses. The XBox is deliberatly crippled. It contais code which serves no other purpose than stopping the XBox from running any code which Microsoft doesn't want you to run. In other words, the XBox is designed to make and enforce moral decisions on your behalf.

Unfortunatly this code is rather crude. It stops *ALL* 3rd party code and discs from working - it has no way of determining if they actually violate any copyrights. For example:
  • If you are a programmer, you can't write any code for the XBox, without paying Microsoft for an XDK and signing a restrictive licensing agreement.
  • Ever heard of the Fair Use doctrine in copyright law? It is your legally-given RIGHT to make a backup copy for personal use, of copyrighted content. What use is this right if the XBox assumes ill-intentions and refuses to play legal backups?
  • How about convenience? I've bought CDs. I've bought DVDs. The first thing I did with them, is ripped them to my hard drive. I did it simply because I find it a hell of a lot more convenient to click an album in WinAmp than to physically swap discs. I didn't infringe any copyright laws (although you'd argue that ripping a DVD entails bypassing protection hence should be illegal).
All of the above are examples of perfectly legal actions which are stopped because some bit of code in the XBox tries to prevent illegal copying, even if it means taking away rights which have been granted to you as a result of many legal precedents.

If the MPAA/RIAA cartels get their way, some day PCs might feature similar restrictions at a hardware level. In the future, you might not be able to buy a DVD/CD and copy it to your hard drive for future access. You might not be able to make a copy of a CD to play in your car. You might not be able to rip a CD and download it onto your MP3 player. If this happens, would you consider it wrong to buy a modchip for your PC which eliminates these restrictions? If not, why are XBox modchips any different?
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Old 24th Mar 05, 01:58 PM
PCTech PCTech is offline
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I have a kid as well, but thats why i keep my xbox stuff out of there reach! I agree you can make a back up of copyrighted content, however it is still illegal in microsoft eyes as a normal dvd drive without some "work" will not read an xbox dvd. it can do it just not while attached to a computer! This should be an issue that needs to be fixed with xbox2, and if not then I guess 1 practical use for a modchip is to backup games. I mean how hard is it to but a lock on a cabinet? But thats just my opinion

Old 24th Mar 05, 10:40 PM
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I think what Poolman was talking about with his kids is he don't want them changing games/DVD's for fear that they might damage the Xbox DVD tray or trash the DVD/Game. With the games on the HD and the use of the MOD chip they can change games without Poolman having to. Plus he keeps the store DVD as a backup.

I myself am thinking about getting what I need to do the same thing. Currently I don't let my 7 year old change games because I fear he will trash the Xbox DVD tray or the $Games$

Changing games/DVD's all the time gets to be a real pain.

Last edited by KingCobra : 24th Mar 05 at 10:49 PM.
Old 25th Mar 05, 12:04 AM
Cyberion Cyberion is offline
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I totally agree PCTechie. Our ideals only divert paths with regard to the actual locking. Its like an open bar at home, if the children know that the parents find it acceptable for them to use the gaming systems and test its limits, they are less to attempt to work around the restriction.

Yes.. I don't have children yet. So that might shift my view slightly, pardon my bias please.

One of the things that scare me about chipping it, I don't want to void any warrenties, and opening the box and "chipping" it does just that. So before I go to my local shop and purchase, that is running through my mind.

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