Originally posted by fcchan@Jul 21 2002, 05:54 AM
Hi khauyeung
"For Testing Purpose" remains there after I delete key FEE4.
If I replace the setupreg.hiv in 3660 with your setupreg.ads (rename to setupreg.hiv) and then delete key FEE4, would it get rid of "For testing" text ?
If your setupreg.hiv is the latest version, would it be possible for you to e-mail to me ?
The original setupreg.hiv coming with 3660 is one with a "360 days timebomb". If you did not have it replaced prior to your installation, the "For Testing Purpose" stuff will appear onto your desktop even though you have removed the FEE4 registry key afterwards.
To remove it:
1. Replace the setupreg.hiv in the i386 directory with the one of FULL Version. If you are using a N-in-1 CD, make sure the setupreg.hiv in the folder of "minimum file set" is replaced as well.
2. Install .NET 3660
3. Run RESET4-3660.exe in SAFE MODE
4. Remove the FEE4 registry key
5. Reboot
The above procedure has been verified to be working in Standard Server. I am assuming that it works equally well in Enterprise & Web Sever.
My latest Timebomb removed setupreg.hiv's (modified from Build 3628) can be located in my Home Page which can be reached by visiting the following URL:
Last edited by khauyeung at Jul 21 2002, 09:09 AM