mciwd wrote on December 29th, 2001 12:13 PM:
I want to make a 3 in 1 Windows 2000 CD and the only thing I don't know now is where to find the group of min. files needed for startup for each as in your wpro folder for XP. Where can I find this info?
Please help if you can, Thanks!
You can obtain the min. files set by starting an install with normal Win2K CD, when it finishes copying the minimum set of files into the
$win_nt$.~bt folder of your boot-drive and starts the first reboot, you interrupt and stop the installation. The $win_nt$.~bt folder now contains the minimum set of files, but you have to delete the winnt.sif because it points to the i386 directory of a normal CD which is not applicable to our multi-bootable N-in-1 CD case.
You can apply this method to Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows .Net and the Non-English versions of the same which may have different locals and the additional BOOTFONT.BIN.
Last edited by khauyeung at Jul 20 2002, 10:44 AM