BetaONE will rise again!

Old 29th Sep 07, 01:07 AM
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Vista and the new world
This is purely chitr chat. I enjoyed reading the post here about Vista being a lame duck and that MS should eat crow and copy Apple and build a new system.

Anyhow, although I have a legit copy of Vista and ended up uninstalling it and going back to XP, I upgraded my Sony ultra portable to a TZ 160 this week and was sorely distressed that it only comes with Vista Business. I tried to install Windows XP Pro, but none of the Sony drivers will install on XP, so I'm stuck with this top heavy O/S on a portable. Even Sony salesmen are distressed and the store printed up a series of 10 tips to reduce overhead spin so that the laptop would run faster.

Simultaneously, I'm helping out a friend whose friends have counseled that she junk her 10 year old Win98 e-machine and get an Apple. I hadn't looked at Apples, ever. They now use an Intel CPU and can run windows, either as dual boot or in a Virtual Machine. The equipment is outstanding and I'm totally impressed. The Apple store is always full of people while the Sony store is lake a vacant parking lot.

As you know, Apple junked their top heavy O/S 9 some time ago and built the new O/S 10 on a Linux base.

Anyhow, I'm installing programs on my TZ Sony and a bit upset that my favorite Firewall: Zone Alarm Pro doesn't run on Vista. I guess they know something we don't know. NOD32 is Ok.
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Old 29th Sep 07, 07:35 AM
Cyberion Cyberion is offline
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Well.. I've been using Windows for school and after for a long time now. I'm starting more and more to think like a man who know what a good product is.. I'm starting to think I should junk my old Windows boxes for Mac and have my old PCs just act as services.

If I get hired with my new job, I'll get to be able to play with Mac computers much more.
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