THE CONSUMER division of Microsoft went swimming with the INQUIRER yesterday and showed off a raft of mice and some keyboard products it is going to launch in the next month or two.
Microsoft demonstrated its new consumer gear in a mock swimming pool in central London.
The pride of its collection is a Bluetooth mouse (not pictured here) and there will be a BT keyboard too, working via a hub that will connect other Bluetooth devices you might have hanging round.
As well as snazzing up its current range of meeces, Microsoft will also introduce a special black optical mouse for the UK market, pictured above.
It also has a lightweight mouse for notebooks, which is probably around one third of the size of a desktop unit, and is light enough not to make your bag any heavier when you're off to the airport to fly to Seattle. This is priced around £25-£30.
The so-called Internet Keyboard, pictured above, has a PS/2 style connector and the buttons at the top take you to Windows XP programs such as Media Player and the like. These buttons are programmable. The blue area at the bottom of the keyboard is intended to help you avoid carpal tunnel problems, but it's detachable. Although Microsoft and Intel have vowed to get rid of PS/2 connectors, starting next year, the firm told us that the huge installed base of machines still make this keyboard viable in the short term. This keyboard will cost around £30. Its other keyboard is the ergo style, which comes with USB/PS2 connectors and costs about £50.
The firm also showed off new Sidewinder game pads, Office v.X for the Macintosh, and products including Digital Image Pro and Picture it Photo Standard II, as well as previewing Microsoft Money 2003 and Encarta Premium Suite. µ