Here is the plan to spill the news to both sets of grandparents at the same time.
1. Give them what they think is a new years gift, only to be opened in 2007.
2. In the locked box is a food gift certificate for each parents favorite place.
3. A preemie diaper.
4. A baby boy announcement TIME: TBA DATE: Summer of 2007
5. Lock the box and wrap up as a gift.
6. Hide one of the keys in their house and call at 12:00 2007.
7. At midnight we each call our parents and tell them where to find the key.
If they try to open the gift before we call telling them where to find the key we know they will not get into it because the other key is locked inside the box. Here is a picture of the box as we put the plan together.
Yes, I'm the master mind behind this plan and I'm so sure it's a boy I had my wife use a boy announcement.
My wifes parents are watching all of our kids over night for New Years Eve while my wife and I leave town. In my wifes box we have a New Years gift certificate for both her parents and each of our kids along with the baby announcement. Just think both sets of parents are going to be up another 1-2 hours and not be able to sleep after finding out about the news.