If you push it
INQ readers seem to have been having fun working out ways to reveal IE7 is complete and utter pants.
Never mind the fact that the security outfit Secunia found a viable flaw within hours of the IE7 shipping, INQ readers seem to want to prove that Vole's new browser is a crash test dummy.
One sent us a
picture of how the browser had managed to crash. He opened 60 IE7 windows and attempted to close them. IE7 did not want to give him his resources back and would not shut some of the windows. According to our reader, not even control-alt-delete would enable him to shut down IE.
To be fair to Vole, it is a bit silly expecting it to handle 60 IE screens, but it does probably indicate a degree of resource hogging in the code, somewhere.
Others have reported problems related to Firefox and IE running on the same machine. Particularly if you try and download IE7 using Firebadger. More
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