looks very promising. Claims it can fix a lot of those really hard to fix windows errors..
Dial-a-fix is a collection of 'known fixes' that have been compiled over the past year that really knock out some serious Windows problems, all with one or two clicks. It tackles issues with SSL/Cryptography, Windows Update, Microsoft Installer, and many miscellaneous shell problems. Most of the fixes it uses are found in various Microsoft Knowledgebase articles, and articles written by Microsoft MVPs. When you see a list of DLLs that need to be registered using REGSVR32.EXE, chances are they are already listed in Dial-a-fix. Mouseover a checkbox or button to obtain more information about what will be executed, or what DLLs will be registered.
In a nutshell, Dial-a-fix stops services, installs selected software (if packages are available -- see below), registers DLLs, restarts services, and removes several rogue policies. It will not cause any issues if your system is already working properly.
Dial-a-fix 'Light' edition does not come with the many Microsoft redistributables included in the 'Full' edition (such as MSXML 3 and 4, Windows Installer, VB6 run-time, etc) but retains full repair functionality.
Dial-a-fix has the following other editions available medium and full