Hardware sites lift the veil
INTEL LIFTED THE VEIL OF Isis, sorry a non disclosure agreement, from its "Conroe" Core 2 Duo and "Extreme" processors with a spate of hardware sites saying it beats up AMD chips.
For example,
PC World described the Conroe chips as running
"blazingly fast" in its tests - saying they're the fastest chips they've ever seen.
The chips, as we've noted here for some time, get a formal roll out on July 27th, but Intel wants the hardware sites to fanfare its arrival.
Tweaktown says
here that the Core 2 and Core 2 Extreme "seem to be everything Intel promised and then some".
The conclusion at
Tech Report is that Intel has "recaptured the desktop CPU performance title in dramatic fashion". The Core 2 Extreme and the Core 2 Duo E6700 "easily outperform" the Athlon 64 FX-62 across a range of applications.
Hexus.net says "it's difficult not to be wholly impressed with Intel's Core 2 Duo processors". There's too many reviews to mention, and we'll be putting our own oar in with our own contribution soon enough.
The INQuirer