BetaONE will rise again!

Old 1st Sep 05, 03:19 AM
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Apple OS X runs just fine on AMD CPUs
APPLE ON X86 IS a tempest in a teapot. People are way overblowing the impact of the beta release on not-even-close-to-final hardware, and the tin foil hat crowd is having a heyday. Everything from how to pirate it and to conspiracy theories running rampant.

If you notice, we have been avoiding those because it is, frankly, rather a little boring, my dears.

Then some pictures arrived in my inbox, along with a little explanation that made me sit up and take notice. Look at these:

So, what's the point here? I was told a few bits, First, this is not the VMWare hack, it was installed on the notebook, so presumably the source has access to a legit copy of the OS. Next, it supposedly installed without a hitch, and everything down to the wireless card worked like a charm. Lastly, it was an AMD64 model, from the look of it, and it is most likely this one. Hmmm, that is interesting. A quick phone call to Voodoo got me a promise of an explanation. Yay, breakthrough, dirt, happiness. When I got home, it was there, but a bit far from happy. Here it is with phone numbers and extensions removed for posterity.

The INQuirer
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