Wow James. That sounds awesome!
You were speaking of how you played the guitar as theropy!
I can tell you now, that there's no greater stress reliever, than playing music!
In January I took off for a month from doing gigs. Its something I won't do again in a hurry! I was very edgy, and I got ticked off very quick! There's nothing better than getting up on a stage, turning the sound up, and just enjoying the feel of making live music! Even when there's 2 people in the venue, I enjoy myself on my own! I've tried playing in a band before, and I really enjoyed it!
But I also love the freedom playing solo, where I can change the song halfway!
I play 3 keyboards.
1: Roland E-86 = My baby. 10 years old, but still the best sounding keyboard out there.
2: Roland em-50 = My latest keyboard. complete with D-beam, midi playback, and a bass output that kills
3: Yamaha DJX = My smallest and cheapest keyboard of the lot. Alot of people don't like it, and most have not even heard of it because you more likely to find it in a bargain hunting mag than a music store, but still an awesome dance keyboard
Then I also play on a Yamaha DD Virtual Drum Pad. A complete drumset on one small unit! GREAT sound. really cool
I run my sound through a peavy xr-800D powered mixer amplifier, and then bi-amp it with a yamaha amp (Not sure of the model number. Just got it

), and they power 2 Peavy SP4 speakers, still equiped with Black Widow woofers! To me still the best sounding speaker! Even the new peavey's don't compare!
I have 2 Shure SM58 microphones, as well as a Shute SM58 cordless mic.
I play anything from rock, pop, classic, dance, traditional afrikaans, to metal and big band music! Artists include Robbie Williams, Queen, Rolling Stones, Rammstein, Eddie Grant, Green Day, Red Hot Chillie Peppers, to Frank Sinatra, Santana, and Matchbox 20.
So I try to cater for everyone!
I've been playing for 12 years in restaurants, pubs and clubs, and the longest gig I did was 6 hours, non stop. My weekly gigs are 4 hours, non stop.
And thats basically it!
Keep well