1. I believe so, yes.
2. Mainly a big collection of bug fixes and security updates, not much that can't be installed via Windows Update or manually at Technet. Though there are a few things like "Set Program Access and Defaults" which is pretty much useless for saavy users IMO. The biggest change I think, is that once SP1 is officially released, they will reject installations that aren't running SP1 from using Windows Update.
3. I think so, yes. It's a service pack just as every other SP for previous Windows versions.
4. It is all speculation at this point, but it's rumored that MS might be putting a serial check in place and may be disabling users' copies with Bluelist key generated keys in the future.
5. It's set for the 24th actually, and I think it would be smart to just lay back and wait for the fine folks here and at ieXbeta et al to thoroughly test and find ways around whatever "traps" MS might have in place.
Hope this helps.
edit- XP-erience.org has posted an article about SP1's expected release date (the 28th now) and what exactly it is that it brings to the table. Check it out:
Last edited by PliotronX at Aug 6 2002, 02:06 PM