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Old 4th Aug 04, 03:12 AM
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Sure, if it's true then he made a mistake or out right lied. At least his mistakes or lie's don't cost thousands of lives and decimate 2 countries. So sue him, but sue "W" at the same time for his lie's. Moore isn't running for one of the most powerfull offices in the world.

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Old 4th Aug 04, 04:15 AM
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So sue him, but sue "W" at the same time for his lie's.
Could you enlighten us with what lies "W" is guilty of telling? By-the-way, referencing anything from Michael Moore or the DNC is a no starter here. I would like to hear some objective verifiable facts.

At least his mistakes or lie's don't cost thousands of lives and decimate 2 countries.
Perhaps you have forgotten (or don't care) about the 3,000 people killed by terrorists on 9/11. I for one think the US's response and actions since then have been quite restrained under the circumstances. My first instinct (and it still has a powerful attraction) was to turn Afganistan and Iraq into highly radioactive holes. "W"s strong response has already killed a lot of terrorists and with time (yes, we must be patient) I hope we kill a whole lot more of them. Eventually, if we continue our relentless war on the terrorists, the only future they can look forward to is a short and miserable life hiding on the fringes of civilization.

Michael Moore and the Demoncrats would have us tuck our tails and retreat from the battle like Spain and the Philipines have done (You can rest assured that the terrorists will eventually pay them back handsomely many time over for their cowardness). To do so would make Americans unworthy of world leadership or the freedom we enjoy. All the US needs is for those countries that will not stand up against the terrorists to just get out of our way and stop giving the terrorists hope by opposing us (i.e. the old lead, follow, or get out of our way). Finally, while Moore may have the right to make his propaganda film, it should be recognized and condemned as the distorted pack of lies that it is composed of.

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Old 4th Aug 04, 06:46 AM
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"Sure, if it's true"

Uhmm, I gave you a link to the source and the quotes are from the EDITOR of the newspaper. The Motion picture acadamy almost took Moore's Oscar away when they found out he fabricated facts in his 'bowling' movie.

"At least his mistakes or lie's don't cost thousands of lives"

Actually, they DO! By demoralizing our troops, providing aid and comfort to the enemy, and undermining Americas resolve to CRUSH TERRORISM he takes us down the path of apeasement. The same path Europe gave Hitler.

Remember, Bin Laden tried once before (when CLINTON was president!) to bring down the twin towers when his 'pals' set charges in the basement near the load bearing pillars. The plot for 911 began YEARS before Bush took office and had NOTHING to to with who was president at the time. These bastards simply HATE western civilization.

To elect a man like Kerry would only serve to show capitulation to the face of aggression and reinforce the terrorists belief that the US can't defend itself when the going gets tough.

More to come!

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Old 4th Aug 04, 10:59 AM
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Poor tubebuoy: it's not easy when one is worried about a lie in a movie. In fact that lie is much worse than the lies the world been told by your president. I can see why you are upset. After all the act of patriotism is supposed to save not only the US but the whole world, right.
Poor tubebuoy: A majority of the Europeans have considered Walker as the biggest threat against world peace. It's hard being one of the few that understands everything, right?
Poor Tomboy: You missed it all and want to start over again? I would say that some of the more well-known lies from Walker is all over the Net. No need to sum them up here - it's tedious, boring and embarrising.
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Old 4th Aug 04, 12:57 PM
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When will you understand that you are fighting another vietnam? "W"has got you into a war that you can't win! are you going to invade Iran now? Pakistan? Ireland? the list is endless. Whilst "W" is on his "Crusade" he may as well go and murder another few thousand people and depose robert mugabe. Sure, every time you invade somewhere you only kill a few thousand innocent's. But thatsOK isn't it? They are not American. I haven't forgotten the lives lost in the 9/11 attacks but if you are waging a war where casualties are the scale on which you base your victory then you have allready won. If you are basing a war on how many lives you destroy BESIDES the ones you kill then you have wo hands down.
Would it suprise you to know that the middle east see YOU as the terrorists? You are the one's kiling indescriminately and You are the ones who are bombing civillian targets.

I like to think i live in a world that holds life precious. You obviously don't. Either that or you are seriously confused. You are outraged at the killing of 3000 people in your own country but don't care about the thousands of lives your country takes in your name who are innocent of all crimes except that they lived in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Old 5th Aug 04, 01:41 AM
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This thread is about lies told by Michael Moore. I will only post his lies when I can provide a link to a reliable source. If you can document lies 'W' has told and provide links to reliable sources, feel free to start your own thread.

Thank you.

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