A HARVARD BOFFIN has called on hackers to take apart the US e-voting system to reveal its flaws.
Rebecca Mercuri, a fellow at a Harvard-affiliated research centre and a noted e-voting critic told the Black Hat Security Briefings in Las Vegas that the e-voting system was full of holes.
She said that hackers should try to circumvent the systems and reveal their flaws. Anyone who does it could collect a $10,000 reward promised by e-voting proponent Michael Shamos as additional incentive, she added.
Mercuri said that voting machine makers should stop being secretive about their security and stop legal pursuits of students and researchers that attempt to analyse their source code. We would assume that is what is putting the hackers off a bit.
We saw this one here.(
http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercu...9276398.htm?1c )
The INQ!