A cleaning woman went along to the Job Centre to apply for a new job. When asked why she had left her last employment she replied that the wages had been good but that it was the most extraordinary place she had ever worked and definitely not the place for her.
"They played a game they called Bridge and last night they had about a dozen people there. As I was about to take in the refreshments I heard a man say 'Lay down and let's see what you've got' - then another man said 'I've got strength but not much length' - then I heard a man say 'take your hand off my trick'.....Well. I nearly dropped dead when a lady cried out 'You forced me. You jumped me twice and you didn't even have the strength for one good raise'. It got worse . Another lady talked about protecting her honour and another said it was her turn to swop husbands and play with the other one....Well! I got my hat and coat and, honest truth, as I walked out that door, I heard someone say ' We had better go home now; that was our last rubber'.