I don't often make political statements, but I have to admit that for once I must
I was totally disgusted to hear about the beheading of the US civilian working in Iraq.
In fact, a friend of mine who works in a school in Birmingham UK just telephoned me....
He works in a school, which is mainly made up of high school muslim kids.
He told me that he had had a really bad day, many of the youngsters were celebrating the fact that this poor guy from the US had been beheaded
He teaches Information Technology and he saw kids downloading to their work areas the evil act!!
When 10 eleven happened, some of these kids the day after, had even drawn pictures of aeroplanes hitting the New York towers on their school desks!!!
I thought that I should post you guys the link to the beheading, and I only pose one question:
' How can any man... justify a murder of an innocent person, in the name of any God.... ???
Alah akbar (God is great).... as you murder ????
Please don't delete this thread... I think that it is important for the truth to be allowed to be stated and yes, even seen ...
I am NOT against Islam... but I am against evil.... and believe me... what has happened and continues to happen in the name of so called religion really disgusts me

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The links:
The beheading:
Edit (Zone-MR): This video is certainly not for the faint of heart. To Quote the original page "Just like all the other uncensored videos and images previously posted, we feel that its important to show what the human race is capable of in all it's uncensored form. We don't MAKE you watch the footage, we just give you the choice. This is the world we're living in right now, sad but true....Can you handle life?".