Well, i just dunno ...
running WinME - WinMe update works just fine for me, and running WinXP when i use a dialup isp, WinXP update works just fine .... but when i connect thru my broadband cable connection ... update for WinXP just freezes up.
I'm running WinXP Pro with sp1 - 1081, but it was doing the same thing without sp1.
I checked with my cable ISP who didn't know why either.
This was provided by Maximus over at neowin, and it worked for me ....
Maximus wrote
I have the same problem.
My Solution was taking the address
http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp and adding it to the sites list for the Local Intranet security zone.
For some strange reason WU will not work with the normal Internet zone however it'll work when I add it to the local Intranet sites list
Last edited by Blue at Jul 27 2002, 03:00 PM