Originally posted by adams@Mar 20 2004, 04:47 PM
anyone have a hp pavilion v50 monitor driver for xp? the guy that needs it says when he plugs his monitor in and turns the system on its just black (we have this problem every time after i reformat it, so i know it isn't the monitor).
thanks in advance.
the samething happend to me a few hours ago and the problem is not the driver....r u using the same monitor that came with the pc? cuz when u reformat it sets it up for the monitor that came with it and the display might be bigger than the monitor can work with...cuz maybe the monitor that came with it was bigger than the one u r using right now.I resolved the problem with hooking back up the monitor that came with my PC and then made the resolution smaller n then hooked back up the other monitor n it worked.
hope this helps