Just copy and past as it is this into the signin text file and it gives your server stats everytime some logs in
You are connecting from %IP
%u24h users have visited in the last 24 hours.
This server is up for
%ServerDays Days,
%ServerHours Hours,
%ServerMins Mins,
%ServerSecs Secs
Ammout of logins since server started: %loggedInAll total
Logged in users right now: %Unow
Total Kb downloaded: %ServerKbDown Kb
Total Kb uploaded: %ServerKbUp Kb
Ammout of files downloaded: %ServerFilesDown
Ammout of files uploaded: %ServerFilesUp
Average speed: %ServerAvg Kb/sec
Current speed: %ServerKBps Kb/sec
Free Disk Space: %DFree MB