WE'VE SPENT some time investigating what it means when people say that the Athlon 64 939 will use 1000MHz HyperTransport, apparently 200MHz faster then the current one that runs at 800MHz.
AMD told us that there are no FSB speeds for these CPUs and that the only relevant number is the clock generator that currently runs at 200 MHz, and gives Athlons their frequencies.
The new HypeTransport will definitely give some performance gains but this does not mean that the clock generator will work at 250MHz. It does mean that HT will be 200x5.
The K8T800 uses the 800MHz HT frequency and therefore won't be able to fully support the new 1000MHz HT.
This is why the K8T800 PRO and Athlon 64 939 pin CPUs will come in pairs, and Nforce 3 250 is expected to support this feature as well