Just one last thing.
This part.
Dim strMsg As String = MessageBox.Show("MS-DOS Batch File was successfully created. Do you want to run the file?", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
If strMsg = DialogResult.Yes Then
Shell(SaveFileDialog1.FileName, AppWinStyle.Hide)
End If
I'm trying to make it just run instead of asking. So no message box.
But having problems.
Could u just post the entire project so i can jsut load it using vb6. Since I dont know what to do with souce code.
Once I get it, it will be perfect for me.
Here is the source code. Same as u posted but edited a little. But sill has the mesage box in it since I cant get it working.
Anyways if u notice sw.WriteLine("ConsoleTool /HIDE")
Hopeing it will look for ConsoleTool.exe in:
C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena
Should so hopefully it will. Yea decided to use a third partty app to do somethings.
Should be the only line i have to add to the script. But since I dont know how to build it and what not then i cant test it out. Just hopeing.
But also for some werid reason now this is not working:
txtScript.Text = "Start /w quake3.exe +set fs_game q3ut3 +nosplash
+set com_hunkmegs 128 +com_zoneMegs 32 +com_soundmegs 32 +connect " + _
Chr(34) + txtIP.Text + Chr(34) + " /prefetch:1"
You know so it puts it like "ipaddress" but its nor working. Damn quake3 says its wrong. Really werid cause it did work. Hopefully i can find out about that.
But u can just leave it for now. If you could do this for me then it really would be pefect as you are involved.
Then i should not needed anymore help. As of now the normal script I have wrote is working perfectly now. Just have to click a gay donkey ok button. But thats not your fault either so. Damn person who made the app did not include commadlines.
Also if you know how whcih i dont. Could u just add a autoload check box. That automaticly creates the script and then runs it without having to click the creat button. So right when you run the app.
If not then dont worry about. As its not a must at all. Just thought it would be a good idea. And if does not have to save it either or anything unles u can easly. If not forget it.
So really two ways of using the app u know. So you can run the app and then have to click create script that would create the script then run it. Um maybe not a good idea??? Maybe have that as an option too. Like safety windows or something. Yea that would be cool. And if it could remember your choice. Maybe? Dont know?
Thanks a ton man.
Oh yea one last thing. Think it would just be a good idea to close the app once the game is lauch, just so you dont always have to close it yourself.
Really, realy really really appircated. If your not up to it or just sick of hell of me i complety understand. hehe :P
Anyways I'm still greatfull for all your help on this man. And anytime u think i can help with something just ask. I owe u.
Thanks again.
Take care.