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Old 16th Feb 04, 01:30 AM
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BRISTOL, R.I. - A student group at Roger Williams University is offering a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action.

"We think that if you want to treat someone according to character and how well they achieve academically, then skin color shouldn't really be an option," he said. "Many people think that coming from a white background you're automatically privileged, you're automatically rich and your parents pay full tuition. That's just not the case."

"No matter what my ethnicity is, I'm making a statement that scholarships should be given out based on merit and need," Mattera told the Providence Journal.

I agree with this!

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Old 16th Feb 04, 02:59 AM
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haha Good. The blacks have the month of Feb. so we should get something too.... haha :P

Even though I would rather have December be white month.

J/k people. So dont flame me please. ANd no i'm not a reaists what so ever I just believe in equlaity. lol
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Old 16th Feb 04, 11:02 AM
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I'm going to move this to General Political Discussion Forum.

For the record, I do not disagree with black history month. I disagree with scholarships being offered to any one group because of their skin color. I feel that is a racist action and therefore the college should not allow it to be offered in their school paper and such.
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Old 16th Feb 04, 02:34 PM
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i'm not racist. and i know that adding to this text that everyone might start thinking that. I don't believe in apartheid, and i do feel that at the present, non-whites are getting the better of the world. I watched American History X again the other day, and Edward Norton's Character said something that really made me think. He said the slaves were freed thousands of years ago, so how much longer must we still feel that we owe them.

I'm from South Africa where apartheid was invented. Today its gone, and i feel that the quality of our country has taken a dive for the worst ever since. I'm not saying its the black mans fault, but more the white man for making it happen.

White schools pay R250 p/m for an education. Schools in the rural area's are free. Plus, they lower the education standered, so that the poorer area's can cope.

Then when its time to apply for jobs, they incorporate Affirmitave action, and give the non-white the job. If he really deserves it, then fine. I can live with that. but then you get some people, who don't even have a grade 7, and are busy running our country.

Our price of living is going up. Our salaries are getting less. People with lower education, is getting more in life, and the hard working, person, is being thrown out, cause of this so called affirmative action. If he can do the job, give it to him.

But don't give me that bull.

i'm 21 now. And i'm looking for every possible method to get out of this country.

The other day on the news, (page 5, so not front page), they hijacked a car in a close by area to me. they same group hijacked another car as well, minutes after the 1st one, only to use both cars to corner and hijack a new BMW. Now if this is happening right now, and the police have NO leads, then what is this country coming too?

A week ago, a guy pulled up to a red traffic light. A person walked up to his car, shot him in the head, threw him out the car and drove off. Fine. Its your basic crime. but this happened in the afternoon, while other comuters were on their way home.

But no leads to the story.

99% its those f***ing police with an IQ of a freaking dustmite, thats on strike, because the government is not paying him enough millions to sit on his fat f***ing donkey.

we have a beautiful country. I was out of the city again on saturday, and i tell you that there is no place more beautiful on earth. Its just a shame of the retards that run it.

In conclusion. SA sux, Affirmitave action BLOWS. and the white man is too scared to do anything about it.

Everyone just wants to be a boss. no body wants to work anymore. And in return, the hard working "peasants" like me, are suffering to keep food on our plates.

I'm not ashamed to say how beautiful it is. and i'm prolly gonna miss its beauty one day when i leave.

But God help us all, if the people who CAN do something, dont.
cause then I'm afraid that SA, and any other country affected by this AA.

but please note, this is just my opinion.
I hope i did not offend anyone, and please reply so we can chat.

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Old 16th Feb 04, 08:17 PM
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@ MO better get out of that country like right now...beg borrow steal hijack....I have been reading and hearing once Mandela dies, white people are history. You probably realize this more than I though. Good Luck and safe passage.

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Old 17th Feb 04, 02:56 AM
war59312 war59312 is offline
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Well no one wants to hear my opinion. I'm considered crazy by all. lol

Warning!! You may not want to read this. lol

Anyways I say we get rid of all holidays and crap like this all together. Yes every mother faqing holiday. lol Only way to be fair to everyone. Cause everyone in the end will be disappointed some how. haha

Today holidays just mean no school and work to most people. They no longer stand for what they were inacted for in the first place. It's pretty damn sad.

And damn Aferican America Month, Feb. is so faqing rasist it unbelieve its lasted so long. I mean poopie this whole week at school they were having "black" parties. White and other people were not even allowed. As if they wanted too. lol But thats not the point. If us "whites" did that it would be on the national news 24/7.

poopie Christmas is probally the worst. Dont even get me started.

Anyways its been my experience that most people could give a damn about holdiays. They just act like it because they love the binefts that come along with it. Like no school or work for many. Mostly schools, bussineess and state/federal exmployies. I just think its pretty faqqed up.

And yea Americans are lazy mother fuckers. :P Really me included. poopie no real reason to work hard and honestly these days. Whats the point when working less and illegaly is more benafelat to u and just about everyone else in the long run. lol Dont everytying of course. So most of us here know something about that. :P

Anyways I'm going to shutup now. Think I've said enough. Good night.


PS: Its a scary world we are living in. I would like to make a predication. In less than 4 years "America" as we "know it" will no longer exist. Or maybe thats already happened. Will it should of but most people are too faqing stupid to relize it. Or just lazy.
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Old 17th Feb 04, 08:02 AM
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ok look.

My sister lives in USA North Carolina. When i was visiting there, i never saw or experienced rasism of any kind. Evryone was friendly, nobody pissed me off evry 5 minutes, so i really enjoyed it. then i learned that school is free. that got my blood pressure pumping. how can a country, with 4 time zones, make schools free, petrol/feul prices drop in times of crises, and still play such a big role in the world, compared to a country, with 1 time zone, school fees that are killing us, and fuel prices INCREASING cause the Rand->Dollar exchange is getting better. They always blamed the Rand->Dollar exchange for fuel prices. Then the rand gets stronger, and they put the blame on...oh....uhm....the....uh.. the chickens on my farm said so. What the hell? And are we to stupid to see this?

If anyone knows of an international job thats open. php/java/mySQL/Oracle/Linux based. ANYWHERE in the world.

But you know what it all comes down too. and this might start a huge debate. but it all starts by religeon. you show me one country, thats not a believer in christ, thats a strong powerful nation. I sure as hell can't think of one?

Austrailia, USA, England, to name but a few, are all dominated by the christian religeon. SA, Afganistahn, and fudge knows what other cave-anal-dwelling country there is, are all run by people who THINK they are their own f***ing religeon.

But yeah. let me know if you guys know about any jobs. pref:USA, London, or Austrailia.

thanx guys
enjoy your day
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Old 17th Feb 04, 04:25 PM
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Yea Relgion is the worst ivenation man ever thought of.
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Old 17th Feb 04, 05:51 PM
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Originally posted by war59312@Feb 17 2004, 10:25 AM
Yea Relgion is the worst ivenation man ever thought of.
Religion, not money, is really the root of all evil. How can something that inherently turns people against each other be any good?
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Old 17th Feb 04, 06:58 PM
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You know, Mo, if you did make it to the U.S. it would be interesting to see if you qualify as an "African-American" and get all the breaks that they are entitled to as well....

Neither religion nor money is the root of all evil - neither are inherently evil - but people in general, that's another story...


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