His arrest my be a fictitious temporary moment of relief, but it foretells the coming out of the truth, that will rightly put the the USA on trial for its injustice to humanity with its bullying stand-over tactic methods, and the world who has suffered because of that to get the justice they never ever thought of receiving from this menace to the world, the USA is.
The US political administration is greatly far more evil than the regimes of Saddam Hussein and other so called dictators. The Bush war machine has managed to brainwash the world into accepting their point of view as the only point of view. Conspiracies such 9/11, Afghanistan campaign where more people died as of direct US bombings than the total of deaths of 9/11 (Taliban and OBL were on the CIA pay list during the Soviet/Afghan war), and is the biggest lie perpetrated on humanity being blamed on an innocent man, and the Iran/Iraq war where the USA was supplying WMD to both sides. Put Bush on trial for 9/11.
Many many more acts of terror committed by the USA over a century and 4 years will come to light. The truth is out there, the truth will come out, and Justice will be served like a hot dinner.
I am deeply deeply saddened by what is going on with the capture of Saddam, it's a Media Circus, the only reason USA went into the war with Iraq was not because of the assuring existence of non-existing WMD but merely a major publicity campaign acting as a cover to slowly but surely conquer the entire middle east’s oil reserves, peoples and nations in one big gulp, also exercising a bored army. Killing people in Iraq seems to be a method of tension relief for George W Bush. When will we be relieved when W is taken out for good? Bush is Public Enemy Number 1. So people lets put out this cunt of a "Bush" fire.
Why won't the USA disarm itself of SUPER WMD it has possessed for decades, also disarming real rogue nations such as Israel, and Britain (The sole two causes of the entire middle-east's conflicts and divisions drawn along British instated colonial lines (Kuwait, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and other gulf nations), and Israel that doesn't adhere to numerous multiple UN Security Council resolutions that had been passed since 1948, I sense a double standard when dealing with Arabs and USA's allies. Why won't Israel sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and dismantle the nuclear and ballistic missile weapons it posses that were directly passed on it by the USA.