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Old 29th Sep 03, 06:25 PM
gicio gicio is offline
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am trying to load JPEG2000 (J2k) image and make use of the scalability features provided by J2k
by showing the image while loading. The tutorials clearly show that there are two possible ?modes?:

- Progressive by resolution (You load the picture and it becomes sharper while loading, something
like interlaced GIF)

- Progressive by accuracy (ROI ? region of interest)

I am interested in the first: ?Progressive by resolution?. So I want to show the image while loading
for example if you download a 2 MB image through Modem connection.

I am looking for a exemplary implementation - does not matter in which language or platform it is running.

I would be grateful for any help.


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Old 30th Sep 03, 03:36 PM
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BearCat BearCat is offline
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BearCat will become famous soon enoughBearCat will become famous soon enough
Just out of curiosity, if I understan you correct, you want to make some websites, where this would be implemented ?
Why use j2k ?

Normal progressive JPG will do what you need, unless you have some special reasons for the j2k.

Not all programs even support j2k.

Have a look at this page, and leave some feedback.


Edit :
You might want to study this page, and "steal" some from the sourcecode
(o o)

Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that.

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