Hello everybody. I'm BetaguyGZT. Feel free to call me GZT, Betaguy, "hey you", whatever....as long as ya don't call me late for dinner....
Nice site you guys got here. I'll make it a point to be a frequent visitor.
I was asked to stop over this past weekend and post the tweak in person. I apologize for not doing so earlier. But my weekend involved testing of the tweak, and some business stuff I had to take care of since I HAD the chance...then came Monday, and the start of a VERY busy week at my office. Then yesterday's power grid bug-out...what a mess. Three of my workstations needed new power supplies because of it. One of those machines needed a new MB and video also from the power surges. So i'm currently sitting at workstation #7, waiting for #5 to finsh installing. Then I have to do a network-based install of the software we use --- 4 gigs worth. So I'm probably going to be found sleeping on my office couch when my employees show up for work in...oh, 5 hours and some change. SO it's been a long week but i'm happy to be here and to talk about the mod some more, and what I've been doing with it beyond what has already been published.
I am the President of my own IT company. We do remote messaging to doctors, lawyers, and other professionals mainly, but we're starting to branch off into Web Hosting and ISP. I've also done some Web Design. I got started as a network service specialist and repair guy (you know, the guys who come to yer workplace and fix your machines, then charge you WAY too much money for it?

j/k). So I've been around the industry for a while. Some of the people who have either worked for me or whom I worked for before I went into business for myself work for places like Gainward and Novell now. The field is WIDE open still; and although there appears to be a slowdown going on in the industry, rest assured that there are BIG-TIME plans well underway in a lot of different areas. The next few years are going to bring about some changes which frankly are going to alter things forever. The 64-bit revolution is coming...make no mistake about it. Reminds me of the state of things in 94, when the first glimpses of the 'new stuff' were starting to be seen. It's going to be THAT big, and more. Some of the stuff I have seen in the labs being worked on is going to make the transition to 32-bit systems look like childs' play. "Longhorn" is just the tip of the iceberg.
So once again, thanks for having a great site and I'll be a participant here.