Microsoft has requested all MS contacts to inform their customers that they should install MS03-026 patch which affects ALL NT based systems immediately
Reminder: over a week ago MS released a critical patch for a security issue in RPC, All NT based Windows editions are affected Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
If a worm is developed to use this exploit CodeRED and Slammer will look like child play. Please apply the patch ASAP, don't wait till after the weekend, codes to develop a worm are already posted in hacker forums.
CodeRED and Slammer did not do much damage on the local system, it concentrated on spreading itself via the network.
This time a malicious hacker could decide to wipe the system after it has infected 10 machines. With this exploit it can gain access with system privileges, which is the highest privilege on a Windows system.
DL for Windows NT4 & TSE/2000/XP 32&64/2003 32&64:
Source: (Site who discovered the exploit)
Source: bink