BetaONE will rise again!

Old 1st Aug 03, 06:16 PM
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America Online is about to release its latest client, AOL 9.0 Optimized for broadband and dial-up subscribers, which company officials call the most extensive upgrade in the history of the online service.

The ISP's latest release of AOL and AOL for Broadband services is expected to start with a "Members First" download campaign on Friday, August 1st. AOL said Broadband members running the Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems will be the first to get an exclusive, preview copy of the new version before the product is generally released in stores and marketing outlets this fall.

The company said all other AOL members will be notified online in the coming weeks as AOL 9.0 Optimized is available for them to download; members can also order a free AOL 9.0 Optimized CD in the online upgrade area.

The release comes as AOL works to stave off continued erosion of its dial-up base as those subscribers switch to high-speed connections, and as federal regulators continue their probe of AOL's accounting for past advertising-related deals.

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