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Old 4th Jun 02, 03:15 AM
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That's for newbies !!

If u got more !!

add it \

[b:634870c10f]Stop Windows Messenger from Auto-Starting[/b:634870c10f]

Remove Windows Messenger, simply delete the following Registry Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVe rsionRunMSMSGS


[b:634870c10f]WIndows XP Remove Comments Tweak[/b:634870c10f]

Here is the way to remove comments. Open the Registry Editor : My Computer HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control Panel Desktop LameButtonEnabled My Computer HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control Panel Desktop LameButtonText The first key determines whether the link appears at all; change its value to 0 to turn it off.
The second key lets you have a little fun with the hyperlink; you can change the text to anything you'd like, such as "Your Name" or whatever


[b:634870c10f]Enable ClearType on the Welcome Screen![/b:634870c10f]

As laptop users and other LCD owners are quickly realizing, Microsoft's ClearType technology in Windows XP really makes a big difference for readability. But the this feature is enabled on a per-user basis in Windows XP, so you can't see the effect on the Welcome screen; it only appears after you logon.
But you can fix that. Fire up the Registry Editor and look for the following keys:
(default user) HKEY_USERS .Default Control Panel Desktop FontSmoothing (String Value) HKEY_USERS .Default Control Panel Desktop FontSmoothingType (Hexadecimal DWORD Value)
Make sure both of these values are set to 2 and you'll have ClearType enabled on the Welcome screen and on each new user by default.


[b:634870c10f]Remove Shared Documents[/b:634870c10f]

Open Regedit(Start- Run- Regedit) and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer My Computer NameSpace DelegateFolders
There will see a sub-key named {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}. By Deleting this you can remove the 'Other Files stored on This Computer' group.


[b:634870c10f]WIndows XP Remove Comments Tweak[/b:634870c10f]

Open Regedit(Start- Run- Regedit) and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer My Computer NameSpace DelegateFolders
There will see a sub-key named {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}. By Deleting this you can remove the 'Other Files stored on This Computer' group.


[b:634870c10f]Disable MSN Messenger[/b:634870c10f]

To disable MSN Messenger from starting up without editing the registry simply start up msn messenger (don't have to log in) click tools,
prefrences, and un check the box for "start messenger at startup"


[b:634870c10f]Uninstall windows messenger[/b:634870c10f]

Microsoft has tried really hard to prevent you from uninstalling windows messenger. They failed to make it difficult enough because with the directions below you can get rid of messenger very easily.

Navigate to C:windowsinf
Open sysoc.inf
find msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7 in the file and take out the word hide so the line would look like msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7
Close the file and save it
Now go to the Add and remove programs applet in the control panel and you will be able to uninstall windows messenger.
Make sure to click on the add remove windows components button.

Note: You will be able to uninstall other unneeded programs by removing hide from the sysoc.inf file as well.


[b:634870c10f]Create a shortcut to lock computer[/b:634870c10f]

Right click on desktop and select new -> shortcut. Then copy and paste this in the program location box "rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation" Click next and enter a name for you shortcut and then click finish.
Now you can copy and paste that shortcut anywhere you want on your computer.


[b:634870c10f]CD Autoplay/auto insert notification Settings without regediting[/b:634870c10f]

The settings for autoplay and cd recording can be tweaked by opening explorer or my computer, right click on the cd-rom drive, then click properties.

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Old 4th Jun 02, 03:16 AM
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[b:7984c31f7f]Win XP Services[/b:7984c31f7f]

Windows XP Altered Services to Improve Performance
DNS Client - Automatic / Manual - According to windows, this ervice is responsible for DNS lookup so disable at your own risk!
IPSEC Services - Automatic / Manual
Messenger - Automatic / Manual
Remote Registry - Automatic / Manual
Automatic Updates - Automatic / Disabled
Computer Browser - Automatic / Manual
Distributed Link Tracking Client - Automatic / Manual
Portable Media Serial Number - Automatic / Disabled
Task Scheduler - Automatic / Manual
There are many others that you can disable, but make sure that you don't need them!!!
Also write down what you change, otherwise you can kill XP, and that's not pretty...


[b:7984c31f7f]Getting rid of windows messenger without slowing OE[/b:7984c31f7f] launch

I used the tweak consisting in enabling "Do Not Allow Windows Messenger to be run" but after that OE starts really slowly and there is 2 identical events in System log : "The server {FB7199AB-79BF-11D2-8D94-0000F875C541} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout."
so i opened regedit and did find {FB7199AB-79BF-11D2-8D94-0000F875C541} in everything but data and modified InProc32 and LocalServer32 default key to empty string.
And now OE starts as fast as possible !


[b:7984c31f7f]How to get classic login box from the Welcome Screen[/b:7984c31f7f]

Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del multiple times... then the classic login box will appear.


[b:7984c31f7f]The simple Registry fix that allows Nero to make Bootable CD's of a patched corporate WinXP.[/b:7984c31f7f]


1) Run "regedit" and go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareaheadNero - Burning ROMGeneral"
2) In the right pane the top entry is "AddISOFileVersion"
3) Right Click on "AddISOFileVersion" and select "Modify"
4) The value will be "1", highlight the value and change to "0" - that's zero.
5) Close regedit, reboot, and then follow the instructions below.

boot.bin and xpboot.bin will both work as the image file.

I have also extracted an xpboot.img file (2k) from an 2600 ISO boot image using CDMage. You can download xpboot.img at:

[b:7984c31f7f]CREATE AND BURN A BOOT CD IN NERO[/b:7984c31f7f]:

1) Close the "Wizard" and select "File" "New"
2) Scroll down the CD types and select "CD-ROM (Boot)"
3) A New right pane BOOT tab will appear. Select "image File" as the "Source of Boot Image Data" and browse until you point to the "xpboot.img" file you downloaded above, or "xpboot.bin" or "boot.bin" if you already have those files.
4)"Enable Expert Settings" and select "NO EMULATION", Boot Message is MICROSOFT CORPORATION, Load Segment remains default of 07C0, and change Number of Loaded Sectors to 4.
5) Click on LABEL Tab, enter the Volume Label as WXPVOL_EN for Corporate Build or whatever is correct. Enter MICROSOFT_CORPORATION as the "Publisher" and "Data Preparer".
6) Click BURN Tab and make sure "Write", "Finalize CD", and Write Method of "Disc-At-Once" are checked.
7) Click ISO tab to check. The defaults on this tab are correct - they are ISO level 1, Mode 1, ISO 9660, Joliet
Click "New" in the right corner to add your files. Add files with Drag & Drop as normal. When you have finished with your files, select the "Write CD" icon or "File, Write CD"
9) The boot dialog box will pop-up again, and if you're paranoid you can double check your settings. On the boot tab your "Expert" settings are grayed out, but still there - this is normal.
10) Select "Write" and burn your bootable CD.

Option: Once the CD is burned you can save your setup in Nero. Then when you want to burn another XP Corporate Boot Disk, just open the saved *.nrb and burn. The saved file is just a list of files and settings.

Now you can create your Boot CD's with Nero without having to use another program when you need to create a bootable CD from files!!

Try it and please let us know that this worked for you.


[b:7984c31f7f]Add/Remove optional[/b:7984c31f7f]:

For some reason, Microsoft has removed the ability to specify which Windows components you want to install during interactive Setup,
and when you go into Add/Remove Windows Components in the Control Panel,
you still don't have the full list of applications and applets you can add and remove. Thankfully, this is easy to fix.

To dramatically expand the list of applications you can remove from Windows XP after installation,
navigate to C:WINDOWSinf (substituting the correct drive letter for your version of Windows) and open the sysoc.inf file. Under Windows XP Professional Edition RC1,
this file will resemble the following by default:

[Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$"

IndexSrv_System = setupqry.dll,IndexSrv,setupqry.inf,,7
TerminalServer=TsOc.dll, HydraOc, TsOc.inf,hide,2
fp_extensions=fp40ext.dll,FrontPage4Extensions,fp4 0ext.inf,,7


The entries that include the text hide or HIDE will not show up in Add/Remove Windows Components by default.
To fix this, do a global search and replace for ,hide and change each instance of this to , (a comma).
Then, save the file, relaunch Add/Remove Windows Components, and tweak the installed applications to your heart's content.

Even more new options now under "Accessories and Utilities" too.


[b:7984c31f7f]How you can tell your shit is CRACKED / ACTIVATED![/b:7984c31f7f] ( PRETTY COOL )

start ---> Run type "oobe/msoobe /a"



[b:7984c31f7f]Here's a great tip to speed up your browsing of Windows 2000 & XP machines[/b:7984c31f7f].

Its actually a fix to a bug installed as default in Windows 2000 that scans shared files for Scheduled Tasks.
And it turns out that you can experience a delay as long as 30 seconds when you try to view shared files across a network because Windows 2000 is using the extra time to search the remote computer for any Scheduled Tasks.
Note that though the fix is originally intended for only those affected,
Windows 2000 users will experience that the actual browsing speed of both the Internet & Windows Explorers improve significantly after applying it since it doesn't search for Scheduled Tasks anymore. Here's how :

Open up the Registry and go to :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace

Under that branch, select the key :


and delete it.

This is key that instructs Windows to search for Scheduled Tasks. If you like you may want to export the exact branch so that you can restore the key if necessary. This fix is so effective that it doesn't require a reboot and you can almost immediately determine yourself how much it speeds up your browsing processes


[b:7984c31f7f]Speed up the Start Menu[/b:7984c31f7f]

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control Panel Desktop MenuShowDelay
By default, the value is 400. Change this to a smaller value, such as 1, to speed it up


[b:7984c31f7f]Disable automatic shares[/b:7984c31f7f]



[b:7984c31f7f]Change logon background to black[/b:7984c31f7f]

[HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelColors]
"Background"="0 0 0"


If you're thinking "How did he remove that xpclient info?!" I used a simple registry hack:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion -> Modify "BuildLab"
(but it resets to default after a reboot)


[b:7984c31f7f]Yet another way to get rid of windows messenger[/b:7984c31f7f]

-Computer Configuration
-Administrative Templates
-Windows Components
-Windows Messenger

Here you can enable
"Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run"
"Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially"

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Old 4th Jun 02, 03:17 AM
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[b:6581e4bd42]Clear pagefile on shutdown[/b:6581e4bd42]

For added security you should always clear the page file upon shutting down your computer. Windows uses this file as extra ram. Lets say that you are working on a confidential MS Word doc. When you load this document it is loaded into ram. To save ram windows places certain items in the page file. The page file can then be opened and the document can be extracted as well as any other open program or files. However Microsoft has implemented a feature that will clear the page file but they do not have it enabled by default. Please note, this will slightly increase the amount of time it takes to shut down your computer but it is well worth it.

Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSe ssion ManagerMemory Management
Select ClearPageFileAtShutdown from the list on the right.
Right on it and select Modify.
Change the value to 1 to enable.
Reboot your computer


[b:6581e4bd42]Display message on startup[/b:6581e4bd42]

If you would like to display a legal message or any other message in a pop-up window when windows starts read below:

Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
Modify the key legalnoticecaption with what you want to name the window.
Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to say.



[b:6581e4bd42]Opening an Explorer Window to the Directory You Want[/b:6581e4bd42]

If you want to create a shortcut for the Explorer to a specific directory,
include the directory you want in the Target.
For example:
%SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n, /e, d:internet
would open the Explorer to the D:INTERNET directory


[b:6581e4bd42]Disabling Hybernation[/b:6581e4bd42]

If you don't want to use up the disk space taken by Hibernation, or don't need to use it at all,
you can easily disable it.
1. Open up the Control Panel / Power Options icon
2. Click on the Hibernation icon
3. Uncheck Enable Hybernation


Locking the Workstation[/b:6581e4bd42]

There are two ways you can lock the workstation.
1. With a Windows key + L
2. Create an shortcut rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Changing the Picture Displayed for a User
Added 8/19/01
You can change the picture that gets displayed for a particular user
1. Go to the Control Panel
2. Select User Accounts
3. Click on the Account to change
4. Click on Change my picture
5. You can then browse to the picture you want to use


[b:6581e4bd42]Displaying the QuickLaunch Toolbar
By default, WindowsXP does not show the QuickLaunch toolbar.
To enable it again:
1. Right click on an open area of the toolbar
2. Select Toolbars
3. Select Quick Launch
Now you can add programs like with Win98


[-b]Increasing System Performance[/b]

If you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system performance
by having the core system kept in memory.
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSe ssion ManagerMemory ManagementDisablePagingExecutive
3. Set the value to be 1
4. Reboot the computer


[b:6581e4bd42]Clearing the Page File on Shutdown[b]

If you want to clear the page file on each shutdown:
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSe ssion ManagerMemory ManagementClearPageFileAtShutdown
3. Set the value to 1


[b]Common Command Console Utilities[/b:6581e4bd42]

Added 8/16/01
WindowsXP comes with quite a few console utilities you can easily run from the command line:
Computer Management - compmgmt.msc
Disk Managment - diskmgmt.msc
Device Manager - devmgmt.msc
Disk Defrag - dfrg.msc
Event Viewer - eventvwr.msc
Shared Folders - fsmgmt.msc
Group Policies - gpedit.msc
Local Users and Groups - lusrmgr.msc
Performance Monitor - perfmon.msc
Resultant Set of Policies - rsop.msc
Local Security Settings - secpol.msc
Services - services.msc
Component Services - comexp.msc

[b:6581e4bd42]Automatically Ending Non-Responsive Tasks[/b:6581e4bd42]


1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopAutoEndTasks
3. Set the value to be 1
4. In the same section, change the WaitToKillAppTimeout to the number of milliseconds you want.


[b:6581e4bd42]Changing the Internet Explorer Title[/b:6581e4bd42]

1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainWindow Title
3. Enter what you want appear in the title bar


[b:6581e4bd42]Changing Visual Effects[/b:6581e4bd42]
Added 8/16/01
To change visual effects such as fade menus, mouse shadow, visual styles on buttons, drop shadows for icons, slide open boxes and buttons etc.:
1. Right click on My Computer
2. Select Properties
3. Click on the Advanced tab
4. Under Performance, click on the Settings button
5. From here you have a list of items you can select


[b:6581e4bd42]Changing System Restore Settings[/b:6581e4bd42]

By default, WindowsXP uses a large amount of hard drive space for storing system restore points.
If this is not necessary, you can change the settings.
1. Go to Start / Programs / Accessories / System Tools
2. Run System Restore
3. For each drive or partition, you can click on the Setting button to change how much hard drive space is devoted to each one.
4. There is even the option to turn it off for all drives.


Configuring the Firewall[/b:6581e4bd42]

WindowsXP has firewall capabilities built into the operating system.
1. For your network connection to the Internet, select Properties
2. Click on the Advanced tab
3. Check the Internet Connetion Firewall section
4. Click on the Settings button to change the settings


[b:6581e4bd42]Displaying and Configuring the Classic Start Menu[/b:6581e4bd42]

If you prefer the original Start Menu, you can easily switch it back.
1. Right click on the Taksbar
2. Select Properties
3. Click on the Start Menu tab
4. Select Classic Start Menu
5. If you click on the Customize button you can choose to display Administrative Tools, Favorites, Run, and expanding many of the sub-menus like the Control Panel.


Increasing File System Caching[/b:6581e4bd42]

To increase the amount of memory Windows will locked for I/O operations:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSe ssion ManagerMemory Management
Edit the key IoPageLockLimit
4096 - 32megs of memory or less
8192 - 32+ megs of memory
16384 - 64+ megs of memory
32768 - 128+ megs of memory
65536 - 256+ megs of memory


Enabling NumLock on by Default[/b:6581e4bd42]

To have numlock turned on for each user:
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelKeyboardInitialKeyboardIndicators
3. Change the value from 0 to 2
4. Turn Numlock on manually
5. Log off and back on again.
6. For all users, make the same change to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelKeyboardInitialKeyboardIndicators
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Old 4th Jun 02, 03:18 AM
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Great tip from Lockergnome. - Lockergnomie Jim Bailey discovered a way to turnon the DVD functionality of the Windows Media Player!
Open Regedit, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER >Software > Microsoft > MediaPlayer > Player > Settings. Right-clickon the Settings key and choose New > String Value. Name that string "EnableDVDUI"(without the quotes). For the value, use "yes" (again, without thequotes).
Next time you start Windows Media Player, youshould have DVD viewing abilities. Keep in mind, this won't read DVD-ROMs unlessyou have a DVD drive installed.


[b:6c7d6c16b5]Modify auto-reboot setting[/b:6c7d6c16b5]

Since Microsoft has worked so hard to make this version "the most stable ever," then this tweak is not needed. However, I am fairly sure that they have not perfected millions of lines of code in less than a year. Below you will discover how to turn the auto reboot feature on and off. This allows your computer to instantly reboot upon a system fault. (The blue screen)
Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlCr ashControl
Select AutoReboot from the list on the right.
Right on it and select Modify.
Change the value to 0 to disable and 1 to enable.
Reboot your computer


[b:6c7d6c16b5]Disable error reporting [/b:6c7d6c16b5]

One feature that I can do without is error reporting. Every time a program crashes I do not want to send a report to microsoft. Read below to find out how to disable this stupid feature.
Open Control Panel
Click on Preformance and Maintenance.
Click on System.
Then click on the Advanced tab
Click on the error reporting button on the bottom of the windows.
Select Disable error reporting.
Click OK
Click OK


[b:6c7d6c16b5]Convert a FAT Partition to the NTFS File System[/b:6c7d6c16b5]

To convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps.
Click Start, click Programs, and then click Command Prompt.
In Windows XP, click Start, and then click Run.

At the command prompt, type CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS.

Convert.exe will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS.
NOTE: Although the chance of corruption or data loss during the conversion from FAT to NTFS is minimal, it is best to perform a full backup of the data on the drive that it is to be converted prior to executing the convert command. It is also recommended to verify the integrity of the backup before proceeding, as well as to run RDISK and update the emergency repair disk (ERD).
Convert.exe will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS.


[b:6c7d6c16b5]Select theme and color scheme for welcome screen[/b:6c7d6c16b5]

With this tweak you will be able to modify which color selection of the default theme is shown when the computer start up screen is displayed. Currently since there is only one theme you can only change the color scheme for the theme but in the future when more themes are available for XP you will be able to change which theme is used in the same place in the windows registry.
1. Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ.
2. Navigate to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentV ersionThemeManager
3. Locate the key NormalColor
4. Right Click on it and select modify.
5. Change where it says "NormalColor" to "Metallic"
6. Click Ok, and exit regedit
7. Restart
Note: To go back to the old color scheme durring startup just change "Metallic" back to "NormalColor" Once more themes are released you will be able to modify the DllName key to select different themes.


[b:6c7d6c16b5]Passwording a Folder In XP[/b:6c7d6c16b5]

Go to start/run, and type "control folders", click the View Tab
and uncheck the checkbox for "Use simple file sharing"
Rightclick any folder, and look on the "Sharing" tab for the settings you prefer.
Regulate who has access to specific folders.


[b:6c7d6c16b5]Disable the Shut Down Button on the Welcome Screen [/b:6c7d6c16b5]:

Do you have little ones that like to click all over the screen when you?re not looking? Afraid of someone shutting down the computer without logging on? Then disable the Shut Down button on the Welcome screen.

*Click Start, click Control Panel, click Performance and *Maintenance, and then click Administrative Tools.
*Double-click Local Security Policy.
*Expand Security Settings, then expand Local Policies, and then click Security Options.
*In the right pane, double-click the Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on policy, click the *Disabled radio button, and then click OK.

No more shutting down without logging on !
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Old 4th Jun 02, 03:24 AM
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if thats no candidate for faq forum, then i havent seen one yet
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Old 4th Jun 02, 03:36 AM
Shiromagius Shiromagius is offline
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Wow! Tons of information. Thanks a bunch! I will need this after I re-format XP in the days to come Thanks for the info.
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Old 4th Jun 02, 04:17 AM
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Thanks for the info
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Old 4th Jun 02, 04:58 AM
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This is an incredible source of informations
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Old 4th Jun 02, 07:23 AM
Sephiroth Sephiroth is offline
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very very very nice post
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Old 4th Jun 02, 02:45 PM
chrisa107 chrisa107 is offline
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Thanks a ton.

And also, in addition to the avoid slowing down OE tip, you can search for {F3A614DC-ABE0-11D2-A441-00C04F795683} to erase slowdowns for hotmail.
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