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Old 29th May 02, 05:46 AM
Jessica Jessica is offline
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Audio gets screwed up when playing games w/ the GeForce2
It was fine w/ voodoo3.

Now, the audio pops/scratchs/skips. When I listen to MP3s and try to play a game at the same time, the mp3 slows down and does the stuff i said.

It must be the GeForce2 messing w/ the audio somehow.

AMD XP 1600
SiS 7012 (built in) Audio (latest drivers)
GeForce2 MX200 (latest detonatoer drivers) PCI
Also using the dx8.1

The Game is Civ3, GTA3, Spider-Man. They all do it .
I havnet tried the Sims yet (mainly because i'm waiting for a patch for Vacation)
anything else?

anyway....any ideas?
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Old 29th May 02, 11:37 AM
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What sound card is it and what O/S you got?
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Old 29th May 02, 04:37 PM
chrisa107 chrisa107 is offline
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If the Geforce is in a PCI slot, try switching its slots. I had to do this to fix the scratching and hissing noises from my Sound Blaster. It probably won't work, but it is something to try.
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Old 29th May 02, 09:28 PM
Jessica Jessica is offline
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oh..forgot to say my OS
WinXP Pro.
I put my audio card there.
SiS7012 (built in)

The thing about switching slots....i cant.

The cable from the monitor that goes into the vid. card is VERY short. And barely reaches the top most PCI slot. In fact..i have to have my computer deeper under my desk (closer to wall) to get it to barely reach. So...then I'd have to buy an extension cable....they make those right?

And why do u say it might not work? IT worked for you, yes?
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Old 30th May 02, 03:05 PM
chrisa107 chrisa107 is offline
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It worked for me, but I do have different hardware in my system - AGP Geforce2 Pro and a Soundblaster Live 5.1. It's something having to do with the interference caused when the two cards are close together, but it varies by system. What I would do is just temporarily move your monitor to right next to your system, switch the slots, see if it works, and if it (hopefully) does, get an extension.
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Old 31st May 02, 08:51 AM
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Ok try this, may work In run type dxdiag and then goto the sound tab, turn the sound hardware acceleration down see if this helps......
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Old 31st May 02, 06:03 PM
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I also have the geforce 2 and the soundblaster live 5.1 .

What was happening with me was my computer would just completely re-boot. It was the strangest thing i ever saw.

What I eventually did was remove all devices from my computer. Then I added them one by one till I got the problem to repeat its self.

That is a last resort.
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Old 31st May 02, 06:09 PM
Jessica Jessica is offline
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Now I was watchin a movie....and the sound messes up watching a movie too.

its *FINE* in windows. and in some games.

But games w/ movie scenes or while i'm watching a movie clip the sound gets all jacked.

I honestly dont see why this would be happening.
I mean....isnt a geforce 2 (pci/agp) supposed to be better than any voodoo3 period?


Maybe I'll just buy a new soundcard. Some cheapy soundblaster. Its GOTTA be better than what i'm running now, right?
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Old 31st May 02, 06:14 PM
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[quote:91db0c1ac3][i:91db0c1ac3]Originally posted by kamikazee [/i:91db0c1ac3]
[b]Ok try this, may work In run type dxdiag and then goto the sound tab, turn the sound hardware acceleration down see if this helps...... [/quote:91db0c1ac3]

..hey....that kinda worked. It doesnt mess up as bad (only tried the movie 'test') will try the games later.

can u explain why?

ok...i tried Civ3 ...nope no worky

I'll get a cheapy soundblaster today. And see if that does anything. If not.....who's gonna send me an agp geforce2+ ??
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Old 31st May 02, 08:19 PM
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and No the geforce is not better than than voodoo IMHO, I believe they would still be playing catch-up if voodoo was still around...I believe the The voodoo 5 5500 is still the best card around at this point in time, just no driver support......
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