You know how you can fire off an email to right? the auto-answer service that tells you what details you need to email back in order to participate in any beta with Microsoft. You know how you've done that for years and barely got a response right? Right?
Well, Microsoft have put up a Beta Nomination survey on BetaPlace and anyone, yes anyone can fill in the survey.. instead of the standard email its all through BetaPlace on a survey so you know it didn't get lost or ignored.
So as the website says: If you are interested in becoming a beta tester for a program, sign in with your Microsoft .Net Passport account. When prompted, enter the GuestID 'BetaReq' and then go to the Potential Testers program.
The great thing about this survey is that you can already choose beforehand what interests you so you aren't invited into betas that don't apply to you. Who knows people might get on the Windows Longhorn beta this way!!
Enter the GuestID: