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Old 10th Jul 03, 12:16 PM
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Hi everyone here,
I've just find this intresting tutorial and sharing here


The topic is simple :

Plenty of people use both Linux and Windows, even if the latter is only used to play games.
There are three ways of running Linux and Windows on the same machine
-- dual-booting, emulation and interpretation. The first is, of course, the art of installing Linux and Windows on a machine and then booting between the two. This is great, but you can only use one at a time. Sometimes you need just one Windows application, and it's a hassle to reboot.

This is where emulation comes in. VMWare and Win4Lin are two very powerful and popular commercial products that allow you to run Windows on top of Linux. While these programs allow you to run Windows almost in its full glory, they do have limitations. VMWare is relatively slow compared to running Windows natively on the desktop, and although Win4Lin provides Windows under Linux at full speed, it's limited to Windows versions up to and including Windows 98SE. Additionally, neither product can guarantee full application compatibility, and they don't support a full Windows feature set.

You can also try an interpreter. WINE is an incredible feat of programming, but is far from being complete. It does, however, allow you to run Windows programs without having to overload your system by running Windows itself.

But if you have a spare machine, the most efficient solution is to run one operating system on each box, but display both through a single machine -- two operating systems with two full-screen desktops running simultaneously side by side. Now that's multitasking!

X allows you to do this. Your Linux box will happily send its display to another machine. Once Linux is installed, you don't need anything connected to the Linux box but a power cord and a network cable
-- no need for monitor, keyboard or mouse. Anything you can do in front of a Linux box, you can do remotely over a network (even OpenGL applications).
An old box running Linux makes a great MP3 playback component for your stereo system, controlled WinAmp-style from the comfort of your PC. It's an easy way to try Linux without touching your main system, and puts old hardware to good use.

So what do you need? Just a simple home network and a spare machine. Linux goes further with hardware than Windows, so even an aging Pentium is fine if it has at least 32MB of RAM (remember, you still need enough memory to run a GUI, even if it is going to display remotely). If you plan to use the machine as your main operating system, despite displaying through your Windows box, you'll obviously need a good machine.

It's a pity the reverse isn't also possible -- streaming a Windows desktop to a Linux machine. However, Windows does support this kind of function between Windows 2000 or XP-based machines, via its Terminal Server software (the client has been renamed Remote Desktop in XP). Mind you, the Windows interface wasn't designed to operate over a network.

Although add-on components such as Terminal Server and Norton's PCAnywhere go a long way to making this possible, it's very much like forcing a square peg into a round hole. It gets the job done, but at nowhere near the functionality or speed that X provides. Most importantly of all, Microsoft hasn't written a Terminal Services client for Linux. And with no source code available, it's unlikely one will be written in the near future.

Which leads us to the last key component you will need for merging operating systems -- a Windows-based X server.

Noble neighbours There are three major Windows-based X Window servers, each of which provides almost all the functionality of X11 that you find under Linux. But like most Windows software, they're not free.

I've tried both StarNet Communications' X-Win32 and LabF's WinaXe, we'll cover WinaXe here.

With your choice of Linux distribution installed on a second machine (be sure to install a variety of window managers to experiment with, and make sure the telnet server is enabled), hook it up to the network and you're ready to begin.
Install WinaXe on your Windows box and run Xsettings.

Got a wheel mouse? Toggle it on. Want to use a higher colour depth? Set it to 16 or 24-bit, or Auto to match the depth of your Linux desktop (which you set during install). Lastly, click Enable Animation and Forced Backing Store -- the last in particular helps with performance. Make sure Window Mode List is set to Multiple.
Click OK to save your settings and then run Xsession to start the X server. You should see "Xsession" in your taskbar, but no visible program onscreen. This is as it should be.

Now for the fun stuff. Telnet into your Linux box and export the DISPLAY variable:

export DISPLAY=[machine IP or hostname]

Then run a program -- gnome-terminal, gimp, netscape, xmms, xcdroast -- whatever you like. Notice how the window manager is Windows? Nothing quite as strange as seeing the Linux kernel configuration program bordered by a Windows XP theme!

To check the capabilities and current screen settings of the X server, run xdpyinfo. This is an easy way to find out what extensions are supported by your display.
Now to get a full-screen desktop running. Right-click on X-Session in the taskbar and navigate to XServer Settings. Switch from Multiple to Full Screen and then enable XDMCP.
You can do this by setting the propietes about authentication in linux

Here's where the magic starts for remote desktops and the X. XDMCP, or the X Display Manager Control Protocol, is a secure protocol for XDM, the X Display Manager. XDM is a graphical login for X11 systems -- you'll see something similar if you boot to a GUI when you finish installing Linux.
The login screen you would have used in the past is an XDM clone such as KDM (KDE Display Manager) or GDM (Gnome Display Manager), which performs the same tasks as XDM -- it restricts access to known users, and automatically loads the chosen desktop environment upon login. XDMCP is the key behind corporations, banks and universities which have hundreds of terminals (or thin client X servers) connected to a central machine.

Understandably, XDMCP access is disabled by default on Linux systems, otherwise your Linux box would happily hand out a graphical login screen to any machine connecting to ports 6000 to 6063. So first you must tell KDM or GDM to accept connections. If you're using Mandrake Linux and have both KDE and Gnome installed, KDM is the default display manager.

For KDM: edit /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc, scroll down to [Xdmcp], and change Enabled to True.

For GDM: edit /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf, scroll down to [xdmcp] and change Enable to True.

Under Xsettings for WinaXe, click on the Settings button next to "Enable XDMCP". You'll be presented with a few configuration options, but all the defaults are fine. All you need to do is enter the IP address of your Linux machine under "Connect Host:", then click OK. Now restart the X server.
If all went well, WinaXe should present a full-screen Linux desktop with KDM or GDM waiting patiently for you to log in. Unless you have a slow or congested network, you should be able to use your Linux desktop as fast as you normally would.

To switch desktops , Ctrl-Tab or Ctrl-Esc as you would using any other application. It's impressive enough to do this with two Linux machines, but being able to switch between a Windows desktop and a Linux desktop at the touch of a button, and being able to use two machines through the same interface, is even cooler.
Now that you have two machines hooked up via the network, you can also set up file sharing using Samba on Linux. Alternatively, WinaXe comes with a Windows-based NFS server as well, so you can take advantage of the speed NFS provides. And, of course, either machine can be configured as a gateway to the Internet through your cable or dialup connection (enable masquerading under Linux or Internet Connection Sharing under Windows). WinaXe also allows you to copy and paste between your two desktops.

With a little effort and the wonders of X11, you can take Linux with you wherever you go!

NOTE: if you decide to rty star net X-Win32, they will send you a 60 days serial for unlimited use!!!
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Old 21st Jul 03, 03:13 AM
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Nichotin Nichotin is offline
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genius. a very good post really.

i do a export Display= is the machine which runs winaxe, but it says it cant open the display..
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