Originally posted by user needs@Apr 29 2003, 01:48 PM
Thanks for the great update!
Just watched "the screen savers" today. They had a spamer
on the show. And he said, if you don't want to get spam.
"unplug your PC" and that is a Quote
What a f#cked up attitude to have. I hope they booed him! I know they are too polite for that though probably. I wonder if he ran into Patrick in the hallway with his sledge hammer though.
Recent news I heard is that a committee of major players like MSN, AOL, Yahoo, and a bunch of other companies are joining to develop effective anti-spam measures and technology. You know what I say though, I pay for the damned bandwidth they waste in sending me spam, they should pay
ME for every thing they send to my email box.
Luckily, I don't get much anymore because I have been careful with my last address.