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The CDR/RW How to's

1.How do I make an .iso?
2.How do I make a .bin/.cue?
3.How do I make an .nrg file?
4.How do I burn an .iso?
5.How do I burn a .bin/.cue?
6.How do I burn a .nrg?
7.What do I extract an .iso file?
8.What do I extract a .bin file?
9.How do I overburn with NERO?
10.How do I edit the .cue file?
11.How do I enable the illegal toc(Table of Contents) option in nero?
12.How do I convert an .mp3 to a .wav file
13.How do I burn a .wav file?

How do I make an iso?

There are many, many ways to create an .iso image of a cdrom. After all, it is the standard, and has been for many years, so just about every program can do it (except cdrwin). My personal favourite for this category and by far the simplest is Win Image Pro 5. To create the iso simply insert your cd in the cdrom, open up the program, and go to the Disk menu. From here simply select create a CDROM ISO image. A dialogue box will pop up and prompt you to select your current CDROM Drive, and also the name you wish to call the file. I always like to use the browse button right beside the entry field so that I can also chose the directory where the iso will be housed after it is made. And that?s it. You will see a percentage screen popup while it works and when it gets to 100% your done.

How do I make a bin/cue?

Since this is a proprietary standard of CDRWin (I am using 3.7d) you have to use cdrwin to create these types of files. Why you may ask would you need a different standard. Well the reason is because .iso does not like mixed mode cd's very well( these are like playstation games, an many oc games). As such my walk throughs were created for mixed mode cd's. To create a bin cue set (when you make one you automatically make the other one) you just simply open up CDRWin 3.7d and choose the extract data icon( The one with the white box and the green arrow pointing to it). Once the next screen opens up select Disc Image/Cuesheet, the cd reader ( pick the drive to read from) the file name(make sure to try and create short file names and near your root directory aka Cfred\whatever.bin. Next choose Copy raw for reading options, error recovery Ignore, Jitter correction Disable,[Note you must look at what shows up in the menu(green,red,yellow or blue circles will appear) to chose the next option. there are two scenarios.
1. you have one mode 2 track or one mode 2 track and one Audio track chose Subcode analysis as auto.
2. If you have multiple audio tracds set your subcode analysis to fixed]
Subcode analysis auto, read retry count 50, data speed and read speed to 1x(this is the safest) And finally hit start. This will create your bin and cue sheet files.

How do I make an nrg file?

Basically choose the cd recorder option in the menu bar and choose the cd image recorder. click ok. Click on new and then choose copy cd and it will give you the options for it. This is where you can enable the ignore illegal toc option as well as choose the max speed whether to test or not. It is all under different options depending on what folder tab you choose. Once your done put in the cd you want to make an image of then keep going and you will see the percentage thing start going and creating your image.

How do I burn an .iso?

To actually do the burn of an iso I like to use the software that came with my burner, since it will be 100% supported and will work without fail. I got Adaptec EZCD Creator with my burner, so I use that. To burn an .iso with this program is freaking easy. All you do is open up the program, go under the file menu, and look for CREATE CD FROM DISC IMAGE. Click on there and your off. Next chose the folder where the iso file you want to burn resides and under files of type chose .iso. This will chose your .iso image, and then you hit open. Next, the cd creation wizard will take over, and al you have to do is make sure the information on the general tab is right, and that you close the cd under the advanced tab. Stick a new cdr in your burner, and click go and your off.

How do I burn a .bin/.cue?

The burning part of this process is actually quite easy.
If you created the image you should have no problem, otherwise heed this warning.
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS edit your.cue file first or you will make a coaster. that?s right. Always check to make sure that the cue sheet will point the way to the .bin file that you want to use. Always put the .bin and .cue file in the same directory. Always try to put them near the root directory in your system. To edit the .cue file use Notepad to open up the .cue file, then look for lines that say e:/phantom/menace.bin make sure that this points to where you have your files like c:/phantom/menace.bin (THIS IS A SUBTLE difference, but if you don't fix it you will get a coaster.

now for the burning...All you do is push the burn to CD button( the one with the rainbow laser hitting the gold cdr, and a window will pop up. In this window chose your cd burner, then hit load the cue sheet, and another menu will show up asking you to locate the cue sheet that you would like to burn. Make sure that it is right under the cuesheet status window. Make sure your speed is 1x (for best results) and then hit Start Recording.. A percentage thing will pop up as it burns your cd and that?s it your done.

How do I burn an .nrg?

DOne. Finally after many moons of saying I would do it is now in the walkthroughs section. Its really basic and really easy. Really quick. You go to the cd recorder menu option at the top of the program. Choose your cd recorder. Click ok. Then if you want to enable overburning now is the time to do it. in the file menu under preferences (more under the overburning topic or walkthrough). Then go to the file menu again and click on burn from image. Once you click on that a window will come up. (Make sure the .cue file has already been edited) Drag your .cue file into the window. Now right click and select the burn and test burn option. Here is where you choose your burner again, your max speed, whether to test burn or not etc.etc. Now you watch it burn.. that?s it.

How do I extract an .iso file?

Extracting an iso file can be done using Win image pro 5. To extract the .iso you must first load the iso. to do that just go under the file menu, to open. Change the files of types button to .isos. Select the iso you wish to extract to your hard drive. Once this is done go under the image menu to the extract option. A window will pop up where you should make sure that extract with pathnames is selected, and this is also where you choose what folder you want to extract the files to. When your done here, just click ok and the extraction process should start. And that?s it.

How do I extract a .bin file?

Ha this is a trick question since you can't directly extract the bin file (at least that I know of). Instead what you must do is extract the .bin file to an .iso file, and then you can extract this file just like a regular .iso file (shown above).
To extract a bin I usually like either Bin X or Bin chunker.
Bin X
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS edit your.cue file first or you will make a coaster.
To use bin X you simply open up the program, and program information will show up. Then you click on the next button. First you must select the .cue file that you would like to use(Notice that the .bin file spot is greyed out). Once this is done, the CHOOSE .BIN file will return to normal, and you get to point to the location of the .bin file. then you get to click next. Once you click next you will see what is in the .bin file, and you get to pick and choose what you want to be exported to the .iso. Then you click next. Make sure that iso is the type of format you will create, and take a look at your output directory and click finish. That is it let it work. Once you have converted the bin into an iso you can do whatever you want with the iso.
Bin Chunker 1.56
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS edit your.cue file first or you will make a coaster.
To use bin chunker, you just open up the program, then you go to the file menu, and load the .cue file. Once you load the .cue file other options that were greyed out will become normal and ready for use. You will be able to check the .bin file for corruption , and at last to extract the file. Before you extract the file it is important that you go to the tools menu and go to options. In the options dialogue box, you must make sure that Extract to iso is chosen there. Then you will be taken back to your main window. Click on the select all button in the top left corner. Once done go to the file menu and hit the convert button. Another box will popup and it will be a save as box. Fill in a new name for the iso that will be created, and also type in the period and 3 letter extension iso. This should change your .bin and .cue file to an .iso file. Once here you can extract it as an iso.(see above)
raw 2 iso or Bin to iso
The secret to this program is to know what to do with it. I got it and I swear with no info file or anything I was lost. Thanks to a friend for the info on what to do with this one. So anyway, the secret to this program is actually patience. Once you extract it you need to put the raw2iso.exe and the raw2iso.c partner and place them into your CWindows\command directory. Once you have done this you now have a new command available at your dos prompt. To expand the bin file you need to change directories into the directory where your .bin file is. Once you are in the proper directory. You need to type something at the dos prompt now type in raw2iso *.bin *.iso where the * is the name of the bin file to extract and the name you wish to name the iso. Hit the enter key, and now you just have to be patient to wait for your computer to extract it. Remember dos is 16 bit so try not to do anything else in the meantime. When you get another dos prompt you know that the extraction process is done.

How do I Overburn with NERO?

As you can probably tell, I usually try to give some helpful (OK maybe not)advice about things you might want to try before you burn so here is another one.
ALWAYS ALWAYS check to make sure that your cd burner and your media supports overburning.
To check your burner go to the nero web page and see if its supported or CLICK HERE
To Check most cdr media capacitiesClick here. Then go to cd-r and finally go to list alphabetically and check your media.
While you might be able to overburn, you could damage your cd burner if you do this. And, that would be the end of burning for you.
Here is the trick to overburning, test the media you have so that you know how much space is available on the media. Most media have extra space on the media itself, and I have even seen some media able to record up to 79 minutes of info (Kinda trying to make 80 min cd's useless right?).
Anyway, after you have checked your media and your burner to see if nero will support both and you can overburn, You simply have to enable overburning in nero to do so. To do this you need to go to File then preferences, and another box will open up. In this box there will be several tabs across the top. Click on the last tab at the top Expert Features. Once in this tab, you will see a square where it says enable oversize disc at once burning. Go ahead and check this. Under that you will see where it says maximum cd length. This is where you need to enter in the maximum cd length of your media. THIS is why that test burn is important. You need to type in here those numbers. Then you click apply and then OK, and your all set. Continue trying to burn your oversized cd just like a regular cd and you should have no problems.

How do I edit a .cue file?

Well I can't tell you how many people contact me asking about this one. I though I was specific and told how, but I guess not, judging by the amount of people that contact me asking for this one. So I have decided to go through this one step by step so that I don?t really have to be contacted as much for a very easy question. So I will first give an example of what a typical .cue file will probably look like.
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
TRACK 02 MODE2/2352
INDEX 02 00:58:00

Yup that?s your typical .cue file and no if you do not have both there is nothing you can do. This is like having a metal key, but no mold for the ridges. You have the basics, but you need the curves to get it too work.
So first rule.
You need both the .cue and the .bin to get this file format to work. If you don?t have the been your royally screwed since it contains the information from the cd. The .cue tells the program how to burn. Where to burn music files, and where to start and end data files. This is why .bin is so good for games. Iso's usually can't handle mixed mode cd's. If you don?t have the .cue tough. There is no way I can create one for you and I can't tell you how many .bin I have deleted from my ftp server because someone thought I could create a .cue if they upped me the .bin. Truth is I can't , I don't know how. If you dl one, you should be able to download the other.
Rule 2.
You don't need any special programs to open the .cue file. Notepad is what I use and in my opinion the best one for the job. You don't need any fancy shmancy editing programs.
Rule 3.
In most programs you can just have the title of the track if it is in the same directory and you are referring to it from another file. This is called relative positioning. Basically you tell the relative position of the other file. For example if you have a .bin and .cue in the same folder it is possible to see "FRED.BIN" in the .cue file. This tells the program that it should find the .bin file in the same folder as the .cue file. I don't like to do this and I suggest you specify the entire path in the .bin file even if both are in the same directory. for example instead of "FRED.BIN" I like to use "CTEMP\FRED.BIN".
Rule 4.
The little things.
I show quotation marks around the file names and paths because the later versions of cdrwin put quotations in for the file paths. If you don?t have them then possibly the .cue/.bin was created with an older version of cdrwin.
Capitalization. Yes, it is important that you capitalize. CDR Win capitalizes when it makes the file names and paths and so should you.
Please use the correct slashes "/" is not the same as "\" and CDR Win will coaster if you don't use the right ones. So Always use "\" in your file paths.
What do I need to edit??
If you've gotten this far and still don?t know I'll show you. Usually there is only black, but I will change the colour to blue to show you what to edit, and what it looks like afterwards.
Before Editing
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
TRACK 02 MODE2/2352
INDEX 02 00:58:00
After Editing
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
TRACK 02 MODE2/2352
INDEX 02 00:58:00
And that?s it folks. That?s all there is to editing the .cue file so that your .bin file will actually burn correctly.

How do I enable the ignore toc (illegal table of contents) option in nero?

well many cd's nowadays come with an illegal table of contents. these tocs tell your computer that the file is a lot larger than it really is. For example I remember copying the windows nt 4 cd to my hard drive. I then tried to burn it. Amazingly I got a coaster the first time, and I couldn?t figure out why.. Well I explored the files and to my surprise I noticed that one of the files was reported to be 1.2 gigs. Now I am no mathematician, but I knew I got that file of the cd and I was damn positive that it wasn't really that large. So I used nero and it worked. real easy to enable this option. When you are creating the .nrg file there is a tab in the .nrg creation options. This tab has an option that you can check which tells nero to ignore the illegal tocs and that?s it all done. Continue making your .nrg disc image file.

How do I convert an .mp3 to a .wav file?

My favourite program for this is winamp. That?s right plain old shareware winamp. To do this just load the songs you wish to convert into winamp. Then Click on the left corner symbol of winamp. Once you have done this go down to options and preferences or ctrl-p for a shortcut. In the preferences box go to plug-ins and then to output. In the output screen you should see Nullsoft waveOut plugin selected. Change this to the Nullsoft Diskwriter, and then click on configure. Once you have done this choose the path to where you would like your output to be saved (aka the wave file after conversion). then click close out of the directory selecting screen and preferences screen. Then click on the play button. You should see the visual as if your music is playing but not hear anything. This is when you are creating the wav files. After your done, go back to the preferences (ctrl-p) and change the output under the plugins directory back to Nullsoft waveOut plugin to be able to hear your mp3's again. Voila.. your mp3's have been converted to .wav files and are stored in the folder you selected before you played them. Now they are ready for burning with a cd burning program and you should be able to hear them on most cd players in the world older than lets say at 1997-1998 or so.

How do I burn a .wave file?

My favourite for this is EZCD Creator. I does it fast, and easy. To do this open up EZCD, then click on the CD Audio tab. Then navigate to your wave files in the EZCD window panes. Once you have done this you can click and drag the files over to the recording pane, on the bottom. Now you should be able to order them in whatever manner you wish. Once you have done this make sure you have enough music for your cd, or it will be short. By the same means make sure your cd is not too long either. This reading can be checked on the grey bar at the bottom of ezcd creator. It will tell you how many mins are left. Now you can click on the record button, and then choose the cd burning speed, and to test or burn. Then click on the advanced tab and close the cd or make it disc at once to take out the 2 sec pauses between the music.
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